16. Bruises

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Becca watches as her uncles and mother reach the sub level she was on, still locked inside her containment unit as Steve lifted up the doctor who was no doctor

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Becca watches as her uncles and mother reach the sub level she was on, still locked inside her containment unit as Steve lifted up the doctor who was no doctor. He was a mad man responsible for ruining her father's progress in gaining who he was back. When Mary's hazel eyes spot her daughter, she gasps, "Becca!" Mary shouted, rushing over to her daughter as quickly as she could.

Becca squirmed in her chair, her wrists still pinned by the cuffs, "M-Mama!" She exclaims, "Th- The doctor! He triggered Papa!" She shouts as her uncle breaks open the door, prying the cuffs off his niece as well. The second Becca is free, she wraps her arms around her mother, never wanting to be separated from her again.

Mary embraced her daughter tightly, kissing the side of her head, "What do you mean?" She asked.

Becca tries not to let her panic show as she attempts to explain, "He knew Papa's tigger words. The words that unleash the Winter Solider." She states, scanning her surroundings carefully, "He hasn't left. We have to knock him out but it'll be hard because as Winter, he's ten times stronger." She states, looking up at her uncle as he caresses her head briefly, attempting to calm her down.

"We'll do all the we can, B." He reassures his niece. Sam walks out of the containment room. He barely is able to dodge the punch thrown his way by Winter, surprising the family. Sam dodges once more but Winter grabs his throat tightly, and throws him over his shoulder against the containment unit.

Steve and Becca both step in front of Mary, they knew that if Mary tried to fight Winter, she would die. But the others had a chance at subduing him. "Mary, stay behind us. If we can get him restrained maybe you can trigger Buck to come back." Steve says to his sister as Winter turns to face the uncle and niece. Mary nods, scrambling away from them as Winter engages with Steve. The uncle walking backwards quickly as he can to avoid the punches Winter is throwing. He manages to dodge in time but Winter lands a kick on Steve's chest, sending him backwards into the adjacent room. Becca tries to advance her father, but he hears her coming, solely focused on the man, his brother, before him. He grabs Becca by her hair, yanking her harshly away and tosses her against the cement wall.

Becca gasps for air as she tries to sit up, she watches as her uncle and father fight again. Steve still walking backwards to avoid Winter's advances, he dodges punches but Winter throws another kick. This time, pinning Steve against the elevator doors. Winter forces his metal hand towards Steve, attempting to push him down the elevator shaft. But Steve braces himself, his hands colliding with Winter's metal one, using all the strength he can muster to push back. Winter releases some pressure on his fight against Steve, only to come back stronger. He unleashes one last punch to Steve's chest, the elevator doors break open and Steve is sent tumbling down the shaft. "Steve, no!" Mary screams from her spot beside Becca's unconscious uncle.

Becca stands up as quickly she can, finding her second wind. She jumps, kicking off the wall and lands on Winter's shoulders. She wraps her legs around her father as tightly as she can. Becca uses the momentum she gained and flips her and her father onto the ground. Winter manages to get his metal around around one of her legs, attempting to pry her legs apart before he loses airflow. The teenager yells in frustration as she fights against her father's strength. "Papa, please!" She shouts. Winter senses her weakening and jumps onto his feet. He grabs Becca by her arm and throws her against a wall once more.

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