29. Vultures

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Becca looked out the window of the car she was in, Pepper had offered to take the young girl to the party since Tony had left for Mumbai a few hours ago

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Becca looked out the window of the car she was in, Pepper had offered to take the young girl to the party since Tony had left for Mumbai a few hours ago. The strawberry blonde woman looked at the young teenager, the two knew of each other but never got the chance to meet until all of this happened. They had always heard good things about each other and Tony would never shut up about his sister. Pepper felt like she knew the girl without ever meeting Becca, and the young teenager felt the same.

"Is this the right address?" Pepper asks as the two look out the window of the car, they could see lights and hear loud music blaring through the house. It was clear that this was where Becca was invited.

"I think so, i've never been to a party like this before." Becca replies, rubbing her jacket sleeved arm, she had changed clothes courtesy of Pepper wanting to get to know the young girl earlier in the day. Tony wanted to show off his sister and Becca was just happy to be with her brother in a happy light.

"It's not always everyone's scene, so don't feel bad if you don't fit in with the party crowd. That was always Tony's life." Pepper says softly, trying to reassure the sister as best she could.

Becca nods, "Mama would tell me stories about Buddy when he was in school and after that." She says then gasps, turning to look at the woman in the driver's seat, "Buddy's birthday party! Mama told me about that one! The one where the Malibu home blew up almost."

Pepper's eyes widen, then smile softly, nodding in agreement, "Yeah, his birthday in 2010, that was something else." She says, "But if you don't want to stay here with your friends, then you can always call me." Pepper says, "We'll do something fun, just the two of us. We still have a lot to get to know about each other."

Becca beams at the older woman, nodding enthusiastically, "Yes!" She agrees, "I'd really like that, Pepper." Becca says with a smile as she moves to open the door.

"Your suit with you just in case?" Pepper asks cautiously. The strawberry blonde woman knew that danger could happen at any moment, her life with Tony was proof enough of that. She wanted to make sure Becca was prepared just in case someone decided to show up and cause havoc.

Becca nods, hiking her jacket and shirt sleeves up to show her suit is on her body underneath her mundane clothes, "I have it. I was told to always be ready for anything."

Pepper nods slowly, she didn't like that Becca was so young but already so well versed in the realities of what her family's life was. The superhero life, that dangerous lifestyle that could one day end your life if the villain or bad guy was too strong for you. She had seen so much with Tony, the Battle of New York in 2012 was one of those days where she wished she had more time with him. Watching him fall out of the wormhole unconscious was something she never wanted to see again. And to picture Becca in that world, she couldn't.

"Be careful." Pepper says softly with worry etched in her voice.

Becca smiles softly, grabbing Pepper's hand and squeezing it, "I will." She promises the older woman. "I promise." She adds as she opens the door of the passenger side of the car.

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