34. Monuments

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"Why isn't it breaking?" Peter asks Karen as he tries to smash the glass in the southwest window of the tip of the monument

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"Why isn't it breaking?" Peter asks Karen as he tries to smash the glass in the southwest window of the tip of the monument.

"It's four inch ballistic glass. You'll have to create more momentum." Karen states as Becca looks around at the remaining classmates in the elevator.

"Okay, who's next?" Becca asks nervously and Flash pushes his way towards her, shoving Ned and Liz aside.

"Me, it's my turn!" Flash shouts as he clings to the trophy and steps into Becca's hands to be boosted out of the elevator.

"Flash, seriously?" Ned states as the elevator shakes slightly.

"Don't worry about the trophy!" Liz shouts to Flash. As he climbs onto the roof of the elevator, it shakes even more than before, glass falls around them.

Flash shouts at the security guards to take the trophy as they grab onto Flash and pull him out of the elevator shaft and onto the floor. Becca then turns to Liz, "You next." She states quickly, "But we need to go fast." She says and Liz nods.

"I trust you." Liz mutters nervously.

Becca nods and grabs onto Liz's waist, "Good, because this won't be fun." She says and as Liz begins to ask what Becca means, she launches Liz into the air and the security guards up top grab onto the senior girl tightly.

Just as Liz lands on the top floor, the roof of the elevator gives way with Becca, Ned and Mr Harringotn still inside. Mr Harrington and his students scream in fear as Becca hears glass break and soon sees a web latch onto the broken elevator roof and sees webbing attach to the broken elevator.

The elevator jostles harshly, knocking the three in the elevator around the small space. Becca pushes hair out of her face as she looks around. She can hear Peter cheer for himself for stopping the elevator but then hears glass break again and the emergency elevator stops in the shaft finally activate, stopping the elevator from moving and Peter comes crashing into the small space which causes the elevator stops to break and it falls even more until Peter shoots out a web that latches onto the broken roof piece that's lodged into the corner of the shaft.

Peter holds tightly as he jumps to brace his feet against the roof of the elevator, hanging upside down as the elevator finally stops. Becca stares at Peter in shock and awe. She knew he would save her and their classmates, she had no doubts.

"Ahem. Hey, how you doing?" Peter asks the group of three in a thick Queens accent to cover his voice. "Don't worry about it. I got you." He assures them.

Ned begins to cheer, throwing around his body weight which jostles the already unstable elevator, "Yes! Yes!"

"Ned!" Becca shouts, gaining his attention, "Don't move around."

"What she said." Peter says in his thick Queens accent, agreeing with her.

"Sorry, Becca. I'm sorry, sir. So sorry." Ned rambles to Becca and Peter.

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