20. Homecomings

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"He can't have been here more than a few hours

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"He can't have been here more than a few hours." Steve says as the family of four walk up to the entrance of the cave and seeing the metal doors opened. The men take in their surroundings, making sure no one followed them as they step through the doors.

"Long enough to wake them up." Bucky points out. He ushers his wife behind him as they walk through the corridor. The two assassins of the family poise their rifles, ready to take aim if needed. They pass by rooms that are covered in dust and bad memories. Becca had only been here once. And she only remembers the feel of terror within her body. The family reaches an elevator soon after entering the cave and they ride it down to it's exit. Becca glances at her mother, watching her mess with her repulser gloves, the gloves Tony had made special for their mom.

The elevator jerks to a halt when they reach the end of it's cord, the doors open automatically and Steve bends down to lift the secondary door. Bucky steps out first with his rifle raised, Becca's uncle follows second with his shield gripped firmly in his hand. Mary is third to leave the elevator, her hands raised and her repulsers on as she steps out behind her brother. Becca is last, her rifle raised just like her father has his own. They were trained by the same people, the same evil men and women. When they reach a stairway, the elevator creaks behind them. The family launches themselves into defensive positions, Bucky guides Mary behind him as she raises her repulsers on either side of his head. Steve is perched in front of his brother in law and sister with his shield raised. Becca in front of her uncle, on her knees as she holds her rifle high, aiming it at the elevator doors. The elevator creaks once more, the family preparing themselves for the fight they were waiting for. But the person that walks through the elevator doors is not the assassins or the doctor.

It's Tony.

Becca moves to lowers her rifle but her uncle stops her, shaking his head when she looks up at him. "But, it's Buddy." She mumbles. Tony steps forward more and his face mask lifts and the helmet retracts around his head as he continues to walk towards the family.

"You seem a little defensive." The brother of Becca quips to his mom's family.

Steve and Becca step towards Tony to meet him half way while Bucky and Mary stay behind on the stairway. "It's been a long day." The uncle replies.

"At ease solider, i'm not currently after you." Tony states, trying to get his friend and teammate to lower his shield. When Becca walks closer to her brother, he smiles softly, "Hi little miss." He greets her, the two hadn't properly caught up. Things happened that divided the siblings, and it broke both of their hearts to see the other on the opposing side.

"Then why are you here?" Steve asks confusedly.

"Could be your story's not so crazy." Tony comments as Becca walks beside her brother, taking his armored hand into her own. The older brother smiles at his sister, leaning towards her and kissing the side of her head in return.

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