21. Questions

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Becca looked out the window silently as Happy drove the two of them to where Peter had asked Happy to take his girlfriend

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Becca looked out the window silently as Happy drove the two of them to where Peter had asked Happy to take his girlfriend. She was back in Queens, back home in America. The very same country that had driven her family out. But her family wanted her where she would be happy, and her heart needed to be home. Home with Peter. She couldn't stop herself as she looked at the night sky of Queens, remembering the times she would be in Peter's arms as they swung through the city, high in the sky above all the problems and worries that would follow them. She missed that simpler time, she knew there would be days where she would long for it again. She had just gotten comfortable in her lifestyle as Sofia Rogers. And now she life had been uprooted by the events of her family's civil war. The Accords had torn her family in two. Neither side was apologizing either which made her nervous about when she would need to talk to her brother.

Peter had a surprise waiting for her at the location he was at. Happy would've preferred taking his boss's sister to the compound, but that wasn't what she needed. The wounds of what happened in Germany and in Siberia were still fresh. They were still healing, and that meant time apart. Four weeks had passed since T'Challa had taken in the Rogers/Barnes family and their comrades.

Becca was still upset with Peter over what happened on the tarmac back in Germany, but she also missed being in his arms and knowing she was safe there. She knew they'd need to talk about what had transpired after her godmother's funeral, and she wasn't sure if she was ready for that.

The teenager looks down at her wrist, the Kimoyo beads glow softly for a moment, causing her to smile. She contemplates if she should contact her mother or uncle, but she figured they were busy, her uncle away on missions and her mother now had Advisory duties to attend to. She didn't want to bother them which only made her feel more lonely. She had wanted to stay with her family in Wakanda, but her parents wanted her to continue to try live a normal life, but now that the world knew she existed, her life would be anything but normal.

"Alright, Miss B." Happy states, pulling up to the location she had given him and prying Becca from her thoughts. She looks up at the building to her right.

"I know this building." She mutters, smiling softly as she pushes the few strands of hair that had fallen out of her plait around her face. "Harry lives here."


The teenager nods, "Mhmm. I haven't been here since the party he threw four months ago." She mutters, "I wonder why Benji wanted me to meet him here?"

"You won't know unless you go inside." Happy states, smiling softly at the girl. "I'll let Mr. Stark know you're here, safe. He'd like you to call him when you have the chance." She hesitates, nervous about talking to her brother who only weeks ago was hellbent on killing her father. She wasn't sure if it was a good idea for the two fo them to speak to each other right now. "He just wants to make sure you're okay." Happy adds, hoping that'll make it easier for her to want to call her brother.

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