37. Paths

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"How did she get like this?" A voice said that Becca wasn't familiar with

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"How did she get like this?" A voice said that Becca wasn't familiar with. She tried to move but her body wasn't responding to her wishes at all. It took her a few more tries of moving any part of her body but it wont move.

"I just found her like this. I don't know anything, i saw her and the kid two hours before this and she was fine, stressed from the ferry incident but otherwise fine." Another voice appeared in her ears, Tony's. She felt a little safer knowing she was with her brother, but the other man was still a mystery to her.

"So there's a two hour gap that obviously caused her heart and mind so much distress that it did this to her." The unknown voice said. She was confused as to where she was, and who the voice was. But what she did know was why she was like this. Her body had shut itself down from the immense pain it felt after Peter had broken up with her.


He had left her there on the ground and walked away. He held her heart in his hand and threw it away like it was poison to touch. Becca wasn't sure she could ever get over this pain. This heartbreak.

"Her vitals are dropping again. Damn it." The unknown voice curses as Becca hears scuffling and footsteps surround her. "Come on Rebecca, fight this." He pleads.

She doesn't want to fight anymore. She fought enough with Peter. She fought her entire life. She was done.

"Reebs, I know whatever made you like this hurts.. but we need to know what happened." Tony's voice says and Becca feels a large hand encase her own. Tony was holding her hand wherever they were. "Just wake up, please. For me?" He pleads. Becca wants to cry. She wants to scream, to punch something, to release this pent up frustration and agony within her.

"Is there any change?" A new voice appears in her ears. Pepper.

"Her vitals keep dropping and then stabilizing." The unknown voice says softly, like he was thinking and contemplating what was wrong with Becca. "Shouldn't we contact Star?"

Star. That name was familiar to Becca as a nickname for her mama. A nickname her first apprentice had given her. Doctor Stephen Strange.

"I want to call mom when Reebs is awake. Not when there's still so much unknown." Tony says to Strange in reply. "Why the hell was she alone." He grumbles, it was clear to Becca even in her unconscious state that Peter was not present in the room. She would've been able to hear his heartbeat, she always could.

Becca wants to wake up. She wants to tell her brother what happened between herself and Peter. But she didn't know if she could relive it all. It still was so fresh in her mind. Peter shouting and her shouting back. Becca just wanted answers but she got so much more than she bargained for.

"Let's give her some more time to rest. Her vitals are stable again. Friday will let us know if anything changes, right?"

"Yes, Doctor Strange." Friday's voice appears in Becca's ears briefly

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