13. Phonecalls

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Becca walked along side her uncle as he caught up with one of his friends who also was in attendance of the funeral, Sharon Carter

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Becca walked along side her uncle as he caught up with one of his friends who also was in attendance of the funeral, Sharon Carter. The teenager discovered that Sharon was the niece of Peggy, she didn't know Peggy had any family members, let alone a brother who had his own family. Steve had his arm around Becca's shoulders to keep her beside him as they walked into the hotel lobby most of the guests were staying at. "My mom tried to talk me out of enlisting, but not Aunt Peggy. She bought me my first thigh holster." Sharon tells the uncle and niece, a small smile on her lips.

Becca smiled softly, leaning into her uncle, "She mentioned getting me one when i visited her with Benji." She mumbles under her breath, a smirk appearing on Steve's lips and a shocked smile on Sharon's.

"Yeah? I'll take you shopping for one then." Sharon says, "Keep Aunt Peggy's promise to you." She adds, drawing a bigger smile from the teenager.

Steve smiles at his niece, "Very practical, you two." He teases.

"And stylish." Sharon quips as she presses the elevator button.

Steve looks between his niece and his friend, "CIA has you stationed over here now?"

"Berlin, actually. Joint Terrorist Task Force." Sharon corrects him.

Steve nods in understanding, "Right, sounds fun."

"I know, right?"

"I've been meaning to ask you.." Steve trails off, "When you were spying on Lizzie and I from across the hall-"

"You mean when i was doing my job?"

Steve nods solemnly, looking at Sharon, "Did Peggy know?" He asks quietly.

Sharon sighs, looking up at the Captain, "She kept so many secrets. I didn't want her to have one from you two." She finishes as the elevator dings. She glances between the two, "Thanks for walking me back." She tells them.

Becca smiles, "So you'll take me shopping?"

Sharon nods with a smile, hugging the teenager briefly, "Absolutely. We'll plan a day." She says.

Sharon moves to step into the elevator until Sam walks up to the three, gaining their attention, "Steve, princess. There's something you two gotta see." He says, causing Becca to worry as to what was wrong now. Hadn't there already been enough worry to last the next few years? She just wanted to go back home, to be in the arms of her Benji once again.

When the four reach the hotel room, the tv is on and broadcasting the bombing that occurred at the Accords signing in Vienna. All Becca can think about is if her mother and Aunt Tasha are okay. The news reporter speaks as Steve grips onto his niece's shoulders behind her, she was sitting in front of him, her crystal blue eyes staring at the screen. "A bomb hidden in a news van ripped through the UN building in Vienna. More than four hundred are injured, at least twelve are dead, including Wakanda's King T'Chaka. Doctor Elizabeth Bryne was seen attending to the Prince of Wakanda and his late father when the smoke of the bombing cleared." The news anchor states. The tension in the room deflates as they now know Mary is safe. "Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Solider. The infamous Hydra Agent linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations."

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