What have they done

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I woke up. Today was like any other day, were my little sister bangs on my door till I get out of bed. I don't understand why she doesn't just sleep in longer. She's not even old enough to go to school so why get up so early.

Besides that, I get out of my bed before she can bash down my door. I walk out and she immediately hangs onto my leg begging for me to
"play dollies with her"

to witch I reply, "I have school natsu but maybe after."

"you have and hour till you have to meet up for your club" she pleaded.

I simply told her I would "play with her later".

I proceeded to walk in the bathroom and take a shower smelling the mouth watering breakfast mom was preparing down stairs. It sent a tingle through my body as I felt excess spit rise from my throat into my mouth.

When I was done enjoying the warm hug of the hot rain like water, I began to dry myself when I realized I had left my clothes in my room. I gently wrapped a tool around my waist and began my journey to the bedroom. But of course right as I walk out. Tobio was  there.

"Ah shit!" I yelled as I slipped Onto the floor.

Luckily the towel didn't fall off. I quickly got up and raced to my into my room, slamming the door behind me. I can't believe he just saw that.

"Hinata it's fine your towel didn't even fall off. It's not like I saw anything. come on." I heard that through my door.

to afraid to face him I just stayed in my room until I heard his footsteps walk away. I soon walked out and creeped my way down stairs to the kitchen. And he was.

Still. There.

"Morning shoyou!" My mom said with joy.

"I invited in your friend because he's always here to pick you up like a real gentleman." My mom said with a giggle.

she knew about me dating kageyama but knew my dad didn't except... it so she always just refers to him as my friend, witch I constantly thanked her for.

Breakfast was... awkward to say the least. Me and Kageyama sat RIGHT next to each other.

And, ofcorce my mom had to ask, "what's wrong".

And to that I replied with a very 'causal' "uhh nothing."

Witch she clearly didn't buy but she decided not to budge me.

Soon me and kageyama we're off to school. We walked in silence unlike usual. It was awkward and as much as I wanted to talk I didn't want to open my mouth and say something stupid.

It stayed that way until kageyama said, "why are you so embarrassed. I mean we're dating. Your towel didn't even fall off." He explained.

"But I was still half naked and I was wearing nothing underneath that towel." I replied.

"But I didn't see..it."

"Look can we just not talk about this anymore" I said.

"Hey don't give me attitude." He replied in a parental like tone.

There was a Couple seconds of silence till we both busted out laughing.

We made it to volleyball club And got changed. It was actually less awkward now that he had seen me walk out of the shower so I guess that's a plus.

We got a Couple good rounds in but as soon as things started to pump up, it was time for school witch personally... sucked. It was long and boring as usual so you know I was so glad when it was over.

I was walking my usual way home. I reached the fork between my house and the park. There was caution tape surrounding the road between the two. The one my mom and sister go to every day... 

from what I could make out There was blood. That was all I could see under the crowd of people taking pictures.

What the hell? I thought.

Crimes weren't a regular occurrence around here. We were a reliably safe area and almost everyone knew each other so no doubt I was worried.

I was curious as to what happened so Cued into conversations around me. As I listened I heard a group of older women gossiping. It was my neighbor, Ms. Fushimiya and another lady I did not recognize.  I didn't here everything considering I came in half way through and the crowd was louder than a god damn Cochlla.

I heard her say. "Ms.Hinata and her daughter."

Hey face dropped and I stoped dead in my tracks.

No I couldn't be them. They weren't planing to go today' I reassured myself. But Even so I had a sickening feeling that drove me to worry.

I pushed my way through the crowd to the front... blood everywhere. Pale faces with orange hair being covered by sheets. There lifeless body's laying on the floor. Blood spilling from the numerous stab wounds.

There was a news reporter. A women.

"Hello viewers we have some breaking news. though I can not show it on screen there has been a murder. From the looks of it the cops are saying manslaughter, Although we are still not sure. So far we have no witnesses-"

She was talking about what happened... I Ran under the tape and to the two bodies. I was crying uncontrollably. I was screaming aloud, not caring who heard.

"No! No! You cant be dead! Your not! Your not dead!"

Before I knew I was being pulled away and restrained by police officers. I was trying to resist but it was no use.

"We have news about the case. Though we do not have a lead yet what looks like maybe a family member has shown up at the scene. He is currently being detained by police so he dose not contaminate or-" The reporter was now talking about me.

How I was freaking out.

Most people would've been embarrassed,

But that was the last thing I cared about right now...

I head the echoey voice of the reporter well my face was squished against the police car.

Mom. Nii Chan... They were amazing people that were living normal lives. Other than lack of income are family was ideal. My parents were loving amazing people. My sister was the happiest little girl I've ever meet. And I was happy...So happy.

We were all happy. So vary happy. But after that day we were no longer a happy family. I wouldn't even count us as a family anymore.

We all say we have things we regret, do things we regret... but most of the time you can just apologize and move on...

There are things we all wish we dealt with differently. I know know I do. All the time...

Ever since that day there is one thing that always lingered in the back of my head...

.. I truly wished I played with my sister that morning.

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