Through fragile arms

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Hey, it's tobio. Hinatas high school sweetheart. Today about 7 years ago was when my worry for hinata really began.

I decided I would walk to his house today to pick him up like usual. He hopefully calmed down a little.

I couldn't help but pity him. Anyone would. A lot has happened in the past couple days and it's probably a lot on his shoulders.

I knocked on the door. No one answered. I knocked again, and this time someone did answer.

He was an intimidating tall man, with Scruffy orange hair and good build. I could only assume it was hinatas dad. There was one thing off. He smelt of vodka and didn't have his usual chipper face on. At the time I blew it off as 'he was going through a lot losing his wife and daughter '.

He asked who I was to witch I said I was his friend. I remembered hinata saying his dad was homophobic. Other than that he seemed like a decent person so I honestly wasn't two worried about him at the time.

He called for hinata to "come down stairs." And I heard him yell "ok" in response.

He slowly made his way down the stairs. Legs very wobbly. His facail expression showed pain. That really confused me.

When he finally made his way to the bottom he almost fell, to witch I caught him before he could hit the floor. "Hinata, what the hell happened to you." He looked like he was looking for an answer. "I was training really hard yesterday." I didn't actually believe him but I let it go not wanting to pressure him at the moment.

I offered to give him a piggy back he said he was ok but then I insisted. He again, said it was fine but even so I threw him on my back. At first he wanted to protest. I could tell. But he gave up not long after because of the lack of strength and energy.

I carried him the rest of the way to club. He ended up falling asleep on my back. He was light. To light. Hinata was small, everyone new that. He was short and had the metabolism of a 5 year old child, but he eats a lot. Or at least he did.

Now that I think of it I haven't seen hinata touch food in a wile. That scared me a little.

We made it to school and went to the club room. I set hinata down on a chair. I didn't want to wake him up, but I knew I had to. I flicked him and he imeadeatly awoke.

"We're am I." He yelled granting him the attention of the rest of the team. "Hinata I brought you here on my back. remember? "Oh right." He said.

We got changed. Hinata didn't change out of his long sleeve shirt. I know it's cold outside. Being cuz it's the middle of January, but it would get hot in the room.

Hinata shakily got up and almost fell again. I grabbed him. Then I remembered why I carried him on my back and asked, "are you sure you'll be able to play today?" To witch he answered, "yeah all be fine. Thanks"

I helped Hinata into the main gym. The only reason I didn't fight back more was because I knew takada and ukai would not let him play in his condition.

Every one was worried for shoyou. Even Tsukishima was even if he didn't show it that much.

We made it into the gym.I asked Hinata if I could let go. He seemed hesitant but let go he immediately got wobbly again.

Ukai clearly noticed and Hinata was to sit on the sides. again. I'm sure Hinata wanted to play but he just couldn't in the position he was in.

I was was ease dropping on his conversation with takada , instead of listening to the teams being chosen by the captain.

"Hinata, what happened. You seem a little off. You got bruises in weird spots and your extremely wobbly." Takada asked. He again looked like he was looking for an answer. Then I was reminded of the answer he told me.

"I ran into a pull on my bike and it kinda messed with my legs." He said. there it was. Hinata was truly lying. He clearly forgot his answer from earlier that morning. Takada didn't seem to believe him either but didn't push.

The fest of practice all I could think  about is what Hinata was hiding from Me. From us as a team.

I walked up to Takada and asked him if's could talk with the whole team after class except Hinata, Witch he still doesn't know about but I guess he will now. At the end of practice Hinata was the only one that walked out. We told him we were gonna talk about something. I forget exactly what it was but I do remember Hinata asking why he couldn't stay. But he left anyway.

We gathered the team. "Takada" I said. "When hinata sat next to you today, what exact reason did he give you for the marks and wobbly legs." I asked even though I knew. "Well uhh he said that he fell into a poll wide riding a bike." He answered.

"That's what I thought." I said. "What are you getting at dumb-ass." Tanaka asked. "Well this morning woke going to pick up Hinata he told me the reason was because of hard practicing." Realization hit everyone. "So he lied to me" takada asked.

"Well yeah, but I think there's more to it. You see we all know what happened right. To Hinatas family." I asked. Everyone proceeded to nood there heads. "Well his dad opened the door. Now I remember his dad from when I would go over. A bit intimidating but always nice. He opened the door and he reeked of vodka. This morning I pushed it off as the sadness of his loss and that at least he didn't hurt Hinata but.. i think he might be hurting Hinata. Sexually." I said.

"Wow you can figure that out but not 2+2." Tsukishima added. "Shut up this is important." I said. "I think there's something else going on to did anyone notice his long sleeves." I questioned. They thought for a second then nodded. "Now remember what he said yesterday to suga. He said 'he wished it was him." I said. Everyone was shocked. The expressions on there face told me that.
"Guys, I think in this moment we need to do anything we can do be around Hinata. Until then, unless he's home I would like someone to be with him, and if you can invite him to hang out after school." Ukai said. Everyone just agreed saying nothing else as they left the gym...

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