Please make it clear

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We all got out of the bus and made are way to the rooms we were staying in. We dropped off all are stuff and decided to check out the gym.

I saw groups playing rounds. I was so eager to join but I was in a lot of pain. "Guys let's got set up at a court and maybe we can have the next game." Dichi said. Everyone was excited about that, including me.

I walked over with the rest of the team till kageyama noticed. Him, being the good boyfriend that he is, said that "it would be best if I sit out because I was in no condition to play."

At the time, that pissed me off but now I realize that he was only looking out for me.

Kageyamas comment ofcorce grabbed the attention of ukai and takada witch completely messed up my chances of being able to play. Witch also pissed me off.

To say the least i was really not happy.
Ukai pulled me to the side saying the same thing he dose every time. "Hinata, you know your in no condition to play. I know right now I'm sure your excited and are eager to play with all the different teams but just give your body a rest. We have a full week here. Maybe at some point youll have regained you strength and will be able to play."

His lectures definitely didn't make my mood better but I sat down watching as the rest of my team got set up for the next game.

I sat next to takada basically the whole time. I had my eyes on Kakeyama the whole time. His hair, his eyes. I couldn'tlook away.

Soon I was broken out of my thoughts when takada spoke to me. "Hey, hinata, if anything is going on, you know you can always talk to me right." He said. His eyes were still on the game but the they turned to me. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well you just don't seem lime yourself. Always weak, vary skinny. I don't know I'm just worried. Is everything alright at home. I mean I know about well... your mom and sister but if there's anything else, you can tell me." He said.

The reminder of my mom and sisters death.. well I broke. Tears started streaming down my face. Takada didn't notice till I let out a quiet sob. He turned. "Oh.. ahh, hinata are you ok, ahh, was it something I said." He was freaking out. "N-No. It-It's nothing. I'm g-gonna go to the rest room." I got up and left.

I was quiet till I got to the bathroom. I went to a stall and closed the door I started crying I took out my blade. 'This is my fault.' I thought. 'I had a feeling. I-I' I was slicing, balling. I felt like I couldn't stop. Until I heard someone walk in.

"Hey aaa I heard someone crying so if your in there uh you can come out." I silenced myself immediately. I was a bit embarrassed that someone had heard me crying.

He knocked on my stall door. "Hey man I see your feet. Seriously come out." I was so focused on my breathing I didn't notice my blood dripping on the floor.

The guy on the other side seemed to notice. "Hey man open up come on. Open it." He was shaking the door. "You know what I'm coming in. We're both boys anyway."

Shit. Aaaa what was h gonna do. Before I new it the guys head was under the door. Well that was something I never thought I'd see.

He reached his hand up and unlocked the door. At least he didn't break it. But the I remembered my arms. Shit what was I gonna do.

Before I knew it he had opened the door. I dropped my blade.

"Hey kid." The guy said he clearly wasn't on my team. "We should probably clean those up dontcha think." I just stared at him. He got me to my feet by my shoulder and led me to the sink were he proceeded to put me on.

The whole time I kept my head down. "So kid" I looked up at the guy. "I saw you walk in with crowasuno. You play for them huh. I thought they were in the middle of a game right now." I just nodded my head.

"What's your name kid. I'm Bokuto. I play for Fukarudani." He said still cleaning my wounds. "I'm hinata shoyou" I said. "Ah so you have a girly name." He said, clearly trying to lighten the mood.

When he realized I didn't care he Asked, " how long kid" I just looked at him. "How long have you been hurting yourself." I just looked down and said. "Please don't tell my team." He looked at me. "Kid I need to tell them this is important." He said.

"Please." I pleaded. He looked at me but then gave in. "Ok I won't, but you have to promise me to stop this." He wagered.

I just looked down. "Hinata." He said in a sad line tone. "Why do you care if I stop or not. I mean you just met me." I said. "No one deserves to be in pain, as specially not a worthy opponent. And potential friend.

"Ok. All stop." I said. "Good. now one last thing." He held out his hand. " what" I asked. He sighed and then said. "I don't know if I can trust you so I want your blade" he said. My face paled. This guy didn't seem to bright when I first meet him but I guess he's smarter than I thought.

I would have probably ended up curing myself right after he left if he didn't ask that question. But I decided to protest.

"If I promised why would you need it." I protested. "You defending it tells me that your just gonna go right back to it once I leave." Damn it he's to smart. I decided to give in and just give it to him. I searched through my pockets but couldn't find it and then remembered I dropped it on the floor earlier.

I pointed my finger towards the flor right behind us and he went and picked it up. He washed it off and put it in his pocket. "Alright, come." He said.

I hopped of the table and my legs become wobbly. I was so foucussd on my arms that I forgot all about... you know. "You need help. Here." He put me on his back and carried me back to the gym.

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