His name in vain

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I walked into practice and everyone looked at me. "Hey g-guys" I said. "Hi hinata." I got from Tanaka.

"Hey I wanted to apologize for any trouble I caused." I said as I bowed at a 90• angle. "No no it fine. We're all just glad your ok." Suga said from behind me.

I essentially slowed to were long sleeves anymore witch means that I am forced to show my shame.

Most people were focused on them. I crossed my arms and tried to hide them.

"Alright team is everyone ready." We all yelled yes. "Alrriiiiggghhht. Start." He yelled. Everyone ran off but as I was going I was stoped from a grip on my wrist.

"I know you want to play hinata, but I think it would be best if you stayed out at least until those scars are healed." Ukai said.

I didn't argue I just sat down. And watched the match go. I was sad but the ball rang and it was time to go to class.

Ofcorce as a thought takada told all the other teachers. They looked at me with pity. I mean they already knew about my mom and sister and that whole thing.

The class was going on and my mind was to bussy foucusing on what has happened in the past two days.

I tried to kill myself, had a rape kit done. Moved in with my senpeis. Got everything thing sharp taken away. I'm under 24/7 watch, witch also means every bit of privacy I had is now gone.

I hit my head against my desk. Everyone looked at me. I looked up. Ow that hurt. That's probably gonna leave a bruise.

I felt embarrassed. "Hey" I said as I raised my hand. "May I use the rest room." I said. The teacher looked at me and nodded.

I walked out the door and as I was about half way there kageyama walked up behind me.

"What are you doing?" I asked. "Once you left the teacher told me to follow you." He said. Ofcorce she said that.

I got to the bathroom and walked to a stall. I spent a few minutes in there till I heard Tobio ask me, "what is taking you so long?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Do you really want to know." I said. "Yes I do." He said. "I'm taking a shit. There you happy now." I said.

"Eww what the hell." He said. "You asked." I said "I'm not used to you cussing." He said.

"Yeah yeah" I laughed. "It seems that your happier that was fast." He said. "I wouldn't say that." I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "Sometimes I hide things with jokes." I said. I flushed the toilet and walked out. He watched me as a washed my hands.

"Well no matter. You seem better than before and if you ever need to talk, I'm here." Tobin said.

I gave him a genuine smile. "Thank you. You have no idea how much that means." I said than we walke back to class.

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