We stand alone

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      A blinding light in my eye. 'What the hell' I thought to myself.

I look all around. It seems no one is there so I remove the covers from my body and I'm in a gown. A hospital gown.

'Wait what but I thought I...' I also noticed there were shackles cuffed to my ankles. Just then the doctor walked in.

"Oh your up, good I'm glad." He said. "How did i... get here." I asked. "Your friends brought you. Last night actually. We didn't think you would be up this early. You know your friends were here all night."

I looked down. "Your lucky not only was your friend there to save you but the glass you used was fairly clean." He said. "What would happen if it wasn't." I asked.

"Well it most likely would've transferred a bacterial disease that could of caused a whole new set of problems but we won't get into that." I just looked at him.

"I'm doctor wright by the way. All be helping you out for your stay. Now if it's ok I would like to go tell your friends your awake. I'm sure they would be thrilled to know your up." I just nodded and he left.

Next thing I knew everyone was in my room, smothering me with hugs. "What the hell were you thinking hinata." Daichi yelled. "I well I was-." I said and began to sob.

"Hey, hey it's ok. He didn't mean to yell." Suga said and comforted me.

"Hello I'm sorry to interrupt but I'm gonna aske that only one or two of you stay in here for the next wile."

Everyone talked and they decided that suga and tobio would stay. The rest of them left and the doctor began to explain the next part to me. "On so we are going to have to preform a rape kit on you.

I was freaking out at this point. "How-how did you know." I said. "Your friends said something about it and wile we were changing you into a gown you had obvious marks indicating that you were raped." He said.

I started to cry. Tobio took my hand and suga my sholder. "I um ok. Just get it over with." I said.

"Ok hinata for this first little bit I'm just gonna ask some yes or no questions ok." Dr.wright said. "O-Ok"

"Ok hinata have you been on any prescribed drugs." He asked I shook my head. And pre-existing health issues." I shook my head. "Any drug abuse of other substances." I shook my head.

"Other than being raped have you had any recent sexual activity." I shook my head.

"Alright hinata I'm gonna ask you something and you might not like it but I'm gonna need you to describe to me what happed how many times. who did it." He said.

"I well I Uh." Tobio squeezed my hand. "The first time was the day after my mom died. He was on top of me. Pushing himself in and out. Telling me I was a good boy, and I looked like mother. This would happen at least twice a week." I said.

"Approximately how many time would you say this has happened." He asked. "3 times ." I said. "And who did it."

"My dad."

"Ok hinata we are going to need to do an examination of your body so if you would like for your friends to leave than that is perfectly normal, ok we have a nurse who will be there to hold your hand if you want someone to cling onto." He said.

"I-I would like then to leave." I said. They then proceeded to take blood and urine samples. Mouth and anus examination.

I felt imbarrassed. So ashamed.

"Hinata. We are going to take pictures so we have more evidence." I nodded. They took some pictures.

"Hinata I know that was a lot on you but I would like to bring up your suicidal tendencies, ok. I would like to bring all your friends in for this because I want them to know what to do ok." I nodded.

Everyone came in and I kept my head down. "Hello hinatas friends I've brought you in here because I would like to explain some things." They all nodded.

" so as you know hinata has some issues and so I would like you to keep and eye on him. Don't leave him alone. Take away any sharp objects and other things he could use to hurt of kill himself with. Also make sure he eats. He is quite malnourished."  He finished. They all nodded.

"Oh and we will alert the authorities so you don't have to worry about it ok." He said. We walked out we were all quiet until suga said, "hinata I think I'm gonna have you stay in the apartment with dichi ashahei, and I."

"But isn't that illegal Sence I'm a minor." I asked. "We can figure it out." He said.

We droped everyone off and started heading towards the apartment. Sugas phone buzzes. "Who is it." Asahie asked. "It's coach ukai. He's asking how hinata is doing." Suga said.

We made it to there dorm and they set me up a bed and right as I hit the pillow I was asleep.

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