Heaven will fall as you hold them in your arms

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I was set back on the chair next to Takeda. I was tired from the loss of blood so I fell on Takadas lap. (Not in that way). As he told me, he felt awkward but didn't wan t wake me.

I heard a wistle blow witch immediately woke me up. Are round was over we had lost witch sent them into a stream of flying laps. I was glad I didn't have to participate.

The day was over and we all started walking out when dichi said, "I overheard the fukorudani team talking a bout going g to a pool after practice. Wanna go see what it's all about."

"Hell yeah I haven't been swimming in years." Tanaka yells. "Well then it's settled....did anyone bring there swimsuit?" Dichi asked. The non Response was a clear answer that no, no one brought there suit.

"Well then let's go to the store." Suga said. "Yeah" they said in union. I smiled and stared to walk back to are sleeping area when I was stopped.

"Your not coming sho." Kageyama said. "Well I a-." "Come on your coming with us." Tobio said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in with the group and we all made are way to the swim shop.

"Welcome in boys, if you need any help with perchesis I'm right here." A young what looked to be college student said.

We all noises and made are way around the store. My first priority was to find a long sleeved swim shirt.

I looked around and couldn't find any in the men's that were my size so I went to the women's. I was looking for one.

I must have been focused I didn't notice anyonepass by until I heard Tanaka Ye all, "ha, hinatas so small he has to shop in the girls section." "Hey shut up I'm not that small." I said a little imbarassed that someone had found me in the girls section.

"Wo man, chill I was just joking around." Tanaka said. "Sorry!" I said as I bow. "Wo it's ok... so a- did you find what you needed." He said. "Yeah I think so. All the men sizes were to big so I got a small in women's." I said. "A cool... I guess." He said.

"Now I just need to find bottoms, will you help me Tanaka senpai." I asked. "Well when you say it like of course all help you"he said.

We looked around for a wile then we came across and orange and black suit that I thought would work. We went to the cashier to pay when Tanaka asked me, "why did you need a swimsuit in the first place?"

"I guess it just makes me feel more comfortable." He seemed to except that and we went out and met with the others

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