You've done no harm

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            The police pulled me off to the side so the reporters could continue to doing there job. They put handcuffs around my wrist to stop me from struggling.

At the time I had no idea why. I had net done it?! Why was I being detained?! We're questions I asked myself.

They ushered me in there car I continued to struggle not wanting to leave my parents. One of the police hopped in the drivers seat and the other sat back with me.

I began to kick and trash around yelling at them to "LET ME GO! LET ME GO TO MY FAMILY!" I yelled.

"Kid if you can't calm down I'm going to have to knock you out!" He said trying to be calm but I wasn't listening.

then, out of pure desperation, I tried to open the car door. That's when he groped me back and covered my mouth and nose with a Chloroform to put me out.

When I woke up again I was in a strange room that I didn't recognize. I think it was a questioning room. I don't know. I had never been to a police station before.My brain was so buzzed I forgot what happened or why i was even here. I waited about 12 minutes until someone came in.

Soon two officers walked in. One took a seat, the other stood in the corner just observing. The main cop looked at me. "Look, we know it, wasn't your fault Shoyou we just want to ask you some questions about the victims."

Wait a minute... wait... oh that's why I was here. I didn't know what to think or how to act. I was in a state of shock.

I didn't know what else to say so I asked, "How do you know my name" he looks at me vary frankly. "as police officers we are obliged to have records of everyone in our rain of vicinity, meaning We have them for everyone in this town." He explained.

"Shoyou, I was looking at the records. It shows that the two people that were killed. They were described as your mom and sister in here. Natsu hinata and Hana hinata." (fun fact Hana or 花 means flower in Japanese). "It also says here you have a dad. Is there any chance we could have his phone number." He asked. I just looked at him and answered "287-222-0899". He nodded his head and left the room without saying anything else.

A few minutes later he came back in explaining that " we have called your dad he'll be here to pick you up soon, but we'll your still here, i would like to ask more questions." I just nodded my head.

"Did you know anybody that would have been out to kill your family or mabye had something against your mom." I shook my head 'no' I also added that, "there is a lot of people in this area and I don't know even half of them. Anyone could be after my mom"...

"I know that" he answered. "Shoyou, you are aware, of what exactly happened to your mom and sister. Well I mean how they were killed." My head shot up as my heart dropped. "N-No." I answered. "They were murdered. Stabbed. Your mother about 5 times sister 3. Both in the neeck, heart, lungs, and other vital organs."

As he said that I began to freak out. The thought of the pain they had to go through was tearing me apart.

I was griping my hair and balling my eyes out when Suddenly my dad walked in. He was crying. They must have told him... He was the only person I had left he ran over and hugged me. I would have hugged back but I was still handcuffed. At this point I didn't know why.

At this point they decided I wasn't a danger to myself or others so released me from the handcuffs and me and my dad were able to go home.

We were quiet until he asked me if I "want something to eat." To witch I replied with "no." How could anyone be hungry at a time like this...

We got home and I immediately went to my room. I heard thrashing and uncontrollable crying. I had no idea what was going on downstairs.

I decided to go to sleep although the imagines of their dead body's still lingers in my head...

I woke up the next morning to the putrid smell of Vodka. I could smell it from my room. I got up and walked down stairs. I saw my dad surrounded by bottles of vodka...

He was clearly not taking it well...

I decided not to go to school today. My dad told me last night that I had a choice of weather I went or not. I don't think I would be able to pay attention if I went anyway.

I had the volleyball team texting me all day. Some talking about what happened on the news yesterday, and asking if I was ok. Witch to that I would say 'no' but to them... well I didn't even answer.

The others asked where I was but soon started asking about the news and what happened. Someone must have told them. I'm glad my tragic life is gossip.

I walk into the kitchen and make myself a bowl of cereal. Cheerios. As I was doing so my dad walked in. "Mornin."he said in a sluggish but chipper tone.

It was odd to me. A complete 180 from his attitude yesterday. "Uh hi" its just the vodka. I thought.

" you know you look like your mom" he said innocently enough, until he added, " you have the sweet chocolate eyes, smooth hair, nice slender body." That comment caught me off guard but I brushed it off again as just the vodka.

If my mother were here, she would be making a nice breakfast, well telling me to never forget about the loss but to continue my life.

Keep living and don't let this hold you down. Sadly, she's not here to tell me that witch means...

well I don't know. I still don't know to this day.

I couldn't help but cry at the thought of my mom. Damnit now I'm thinking if natsu. I was sobbing. My dad came up to me and wrapped his arms around my chest as he wispered sweet nothings into my ears.

One of his hands move towards my crotch and I immediately pushed away. He asked me "what's wrong. I'm just trying to comfort my son?" He said. I just looked back to my cereal when he added.

"Better not eat to much of that or you'll become fat."

That made my heart sink. I than went into my mind.i couldn't help but think about the occurrence that had just happened. He didn't support... lgbt. So why now is he acting like.. this.

Then it dawned on me. I looked like my mom. What was he gonna do to me. Would he hurt me. Use me..... rape me.

I was scared but I didn't want to get anyone involved because I don't have any actual reason to believe he would do anything. Plus it's not there problem. They won't care. They don't care... about me. No one dose anymore. My mom and natsu loved me. that's all. But there dead. I was on the verge of a panic attack. He's gonna rape me. I know he is.

He did...

I really should have told someone...

Maybe if I did I could have been saved from years of pain.

I miss the way things use to be.

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