Wrong i have done

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Hey, its Hinata. The bus that we needed to get to the camp was leaving at midnight.

I walked into my house and was greeted by my father. "Hey son." He slurred. "Uhh hi dad." I answered. "So a dad, there's a trip, for volleyball that I have to leave for at sun-down and I wanted to ask if I could go." I asked. "Oh sure." He answered. I new there was a catch, and there it was. "All just have to get all in right now." My heart dropped as I heard those words. I knew what he meant and I'm sure you all do to. He aggressively grabbed my wrist and dragged to his room.

My father threw me harshly down on the bed and immediately began to rip off my clothes. He harshly phished himself inside. Going in and out, in and out. He stuck his fingers in my mouth and kissed my neck. He ran his greasy fingers through my hair and pulled it, causing me to let out a yelp.

He left bruises on my arms and legs. My body felt limp. I wanted to cry for help. Scream. But instead shaky sobs came out with huge tears falling down my cheeks.

I fell asleep on the bed, waking up at 11:00 am. The only reason I got up was because the alarm on my phone woke me. It was scattered on the floor along with clothes.

I got up and decided I would take a quick shower and then leave but as soon as I got up I tumbled down. 'Damn my ass hurts' I what I was probably thinking at the time.

I did end up taking a shower but it took longer than I thought, then suddenly I heard a knock at my door. 'Shit, I hope that didn't wake up dad' I thought I ran to the door and saw tanaka at the door, clearly out of breath. "Hey.. little man.. you hadn't shown up yet so.. I decided I would come get you.. before the bus left." He said.

Just then, My legs got really wobbly and I fell into Tanaka. He pushed me away by my shoulders and observed my face. "Woah little man you don't look so good". "I'm fine just a little tired" I said. "Here why don't you ride on my back." He offered. "But, arnt I to heavy." I asked. "Are you kidding me you skinnier than noya, and that kids small, plus, I'm a pretty strong guy." He said very smugly. "Uh ok I guess." I hoped on his back and immediately fell asleep. According to Tanaka I was snoring.

He didn't even wake me up when we got to the school he just set me on a seat on the bus. Of course he put me right next to kagayama witch I didn't have a problem with because he's my boyfriend plus's I was so tired I would even sit next to sukishima if I had to.

Soon enough we had made it to the Tokyo training camp. I was vary exited to finally be away from my father. It was a relief.

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