Destroying god

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It was time for the end of the day practice. "Suga, Suga, suga!" I yelled. "What Hinata?" He asked.

"Can I play this time.?!" I asked really eager to do the one thing I loved the most.

" I don't know. Your arm was still pretty bad this morning, I don't want to risk opening any." He said.

"Oh come onnn. Please!" I pleaded. "Let me see." He said. "See what?" I asked knowing full well what he meant.

"Your arms Hinata." He said. "Do I have to?!" I wined. "Yes Hinata." He said sighing and grabbing my arm.

Is he mad at me. Why did he sigh is he mad. Oh god am I being annoying. I need to shut up. I thought I could be myself again. I thought it was all better. Mom help me what should I do they still hate me.

"Hinata!" Noya yelled. "Uh" you spaced out are you ok. "Oh ... yeah.. I'm fine." I grabbed my hand from Suga.

"Hinata." Suga says. "You cuts are still healing you can play tomorrow when there healed more." He said. Of corse.

We walked in the gym and I sat down on a bench.

They all started and I got lost in my thought. ' I really feel the need to cut myself. But I can't. Suga is checking my arms.' I start scratching at my cuts. 'If I do add cuts on my arm Suga will get mad and I won't be able to play volleyball.'

My mind was not in the right place at the time. I mean I'm freaking out about things that aren't that big of a deal. But at the time it stemmed so huge.

'If I can't play volleyball than all go insane. The club and the people are to only thing that I have now.' I was starting to hyperventilate wile aggressively scratching at my arm.

'Wait!" I thought. "What if I did it on my feet. I mean I haven't heard of anyone do it on there feet. They would never suspect it.' I started to smile. I was breathing hyper fast and then I felt hands rip my hands from my arms.

"Hinata stop." Ukai said.. "Huh!" I looked up. "Look it's ok. It's all ok." He said.

He was acting like a dad. Not one that would hurt me or try and fuck me but a dad. It's been Sence... that day sense I had a normal dad.

"Th-th-thank you." I dived into his chest. "Yeah yeah. Of course." He said rubbing my back.

"Now right now let's talk." He said. "Huh?" I question. "Your cutting habit. The reason you haven't been able to play today is because of these." He said.

"Yeah I know." I said looking down. " and you need to stop. The Todd years have already told me that they have taken away sharp items and have been on 24/7 watch with you. But if there is anywere else your cuting or PLANNING on curing cuz if so tell me now." He said.

What how the hell did he figure out. "Uhh there is nowhere else I am planing on citing. Why do you ask." I say lying through my teeth.

"Don't play dumb Hinata. You were mumbling." I was mumbling. Shit. "I uh... why is everyone treating me like a child.?" I asked and slumped in a child like manner.

"Hinata you know that's not what we're going for... look I know with everything going on recently it might be hard. I'm sure not being able to play volleyball makes it worse but everything we are doing is to help you. That's why you are with someone at all times. It's not forever though. Just until we get you back." He said and gave me a pat on the shoulder.

I blushed, a bit embarrassed by what he said.

This was gonna be a long and treacherous recovery.

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