Chapter 7

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Bakugo POV

We returned to the rest of the idiots and they looked worried about me but I just ignored it. Once back at the dorms, I went up into my room and just laid down. Ugh, Katsuki how could you be so stupid? It's not Kiri's fault so why did I take it out on him? I'm just fucking insecure they'll see me differently. I should still talk to Kirishima. Apologize or some shit.

Kirishima POV

I sit in the common room with my friends and think. I knew he was uncomfortable, but why did he get so mad? I didn't ask him to hold my hand, he did that. Gosh, I guess I'm more upset about this secret relationship than I thought.

"Hey, Kirishima? You good?" Mina says looking at me concerned.

"Yeah, dude, you're like staring holes into the floor..." Kaminari adds.

I take a second before trying to flash them a toothy grin.

"Don't worry guys! Just thinking about how the weekends ending and all the work we'll have again!"

They laugh it off and luckily don't see through my facade.


Bakugo: Meet at the spot. You know which one

I sat there thinking what spot it was, then RING

Bakugo: The clearing btw.

I debate just ignoring the messages, but my curiosity and heart lead me to get up and respond Be there soon.

I excuse myself and practically run to the clearing. He is already there on top of a boulder looking thing on the edge of the trees. That means I totally missed him walking out earlier. Surprising, considering I was thinking about him the whole time.

"Can you... sit next to me? Please."

I climb up and keep myself a few feet away from him, sitting down with my knees to my chest. I can feel his stare but ignore it. He lets out a 'tch' and leans his head back.

"I know I didn't react the best earlier. I just..." he struggled to find the words. "... I'm not the best with my feelings. I didn't even know I liked guys or anyone for that matter until you."

I looked up and saw his eyes were a little wet from tears building up. My instinct was to wipe them away and hold him close, telling him everything was okay. But instead, I waited. I needed to know if he was actually willing to be with me. He looked up again.

"I can also tell you don't really care if people know or not. And you know I do. I just, I can't fucking just tell Deku I like guys and kissed one without him thinking I went soft."

This pissed me off.

"That's so not manly Bakugo!" He stared at me surprised at my sudden yelling. "I liked you and you took that as being weak. I get it if you wanna keep it secret but I need to know you don't want to keep it secret from yourself. You're not even able to say we might be dating and you might be gay or bi or pan or something other than what society wants you to be. I can't deal with that!" At this point I'm crying. "So if you can't grow a pair, we can't be together."

He just stares at me, unsure of what to say. We sit awkwardly looking into each other's eyes before he finally breaks the silence. With a laugh. He's dying laughing and I'm sitting there upset and crying and confused.

"Oh my god Kiri! I'm so sorry I'm laughing. I - hiccup - am bad at this one sec." He takes a second to cool down and I continue to death stare him. I barely register him calling me Kiri.

"Okay... I had a weird reaction I know. But as much as I tried to take that seriously, you looked like a little puppy angry." I continued to death stare him and even started to get up so I could climb down but he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. I fall onto my knees into a sitting-ish position. "I did hear you though. I don't know if I can tell the class if we're dating yet, but I will tell them I like guys."

I stared at him, my glare dying down into wide eyes.

"I know I was mad, but I don't want you to force you into coming out or anything! It was just holding hands in a movie, I shouldn't have made such a big deal. Oh gosh I'm sorr-"

"No don't apologize. I was an insecure asshole. I just need some more time before I can tell them about us. And I'm just going to tell them I like guys cause I don't even know my sexuality yet. Don't think this is me doing this for you, think of it as me doing it for me."

I nod and finally put my hand on his face. I just look at him. Gosh, he has gone soft. But only for me. I smile at him and he gives me a peck on the cheek. I get into a more comfortable position next to him and just lean my head against his shoulder. A small pink blush spreads across both of our faces as we enjoy some alone time together.

Love you guys! Thanks for reading! <3

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