Chapter 16

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Bakugo POV

I lay on my bed listening to some lofi music. As if anyone would ever expect that, but I like being unexpected. I didn't really hear the knocks on my door. I only noticed when I heard the 'ding' of a notification and saw Kiri's contact.

Kiri: Can I come in?

I jump up and open the door, one earphone out of my ear.

"Sorry, I was listening to music. Come in."

He slips past me and flops down on my bed. I close the door and flop down next to him. Eventually he lunges over me for my phone, and I wasn't able to stop him in my shock. I try to grab my phone but he sits up. He gets a glance before I snatch it away and hiss.

"Oh my gosh, you listen to I'm Sorry by Shiloh? What playlist is that?" he gets out while giggling. I sit up and cross my arms, twisting my head away.

"What music do you listen to then?" When he doesn't respond, I turn my head back to him and he's blushing a little while rubbing the back of his head.

"I didn't mean to judge your music... just please don't laugh at mine too." I nod. "I've been into Lauv and Troye Sivan recently..."

I can't hold it in. I start dying laughing. He looks up at me with puppy eyes, then slowly a smile forms on his lips. We both fall back onto my bed, smiles on our faces.

"I'd still say the music is pretty manly," Kiri makes sure to add. I turn towards him and throw my arm over his chest.

"You are pretty manly Kiri." He blushes slightly and we stay laying there. Eventually I pull out one of my earphones and hand it to him. He takes it and we just lay there listening to music.

"Hey Bakugo I can't find Kirishima but-"

Kirishima POV

We both jolt up to see Mina standing in the doorway. Bakugo's the first to stand but I'm the first to speak.

"Mina, this isn't... he isn't..." Mina stares at me with only slight shock on her face. Bakugo rushes to her, grabs her wrist, pulls her in, then locks his door.

"You won't say a word." Mina and I stare at Bakugo. He has a stern expression, but anyone actually focusing on him can feel the nerves radiating off of him. He was obviously not 100% ready for anyone to know, even after whatever happened today in the common room. Plus, Mina is known for being a blabbermouth when it came to drama. But she's still one of my closest friends, so I'm not surprised when she nods.

"I just have to know, are you guys actually dating or..." she trails off as if waiting for a response. I look at Bakugo and then back at Mina.

"We are," Bakugo says before I can make up an adequate lie.

"Cool," and she gives us a smile. "I'll try not to say anything and avoid any substances that might make me slip up."

"Thanks Mina," I say as relief washes over me. I see Bakugo's stance is not as tense and he drops back to sitting on the edge of the bed. Mina begins to unlock the door.

"I'll leave you guys. But don't forget-," she opens the door, "- use protection!" and then she runs out and slams the door behind her. Bakugo is right behind her but stops in front of his now closed door. I get up and put my hand on his back.

"Hey, its okay. Mina's a good person. I trust her," I say while rubbing soothing circles in his back.

"I know," Bakugo responds, adding a little 'hmph' as well. "I'm just not so sure..."

When he turns around to face me, I see the tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm just worried."

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