Chapter 1 - Life is unfair

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Wandering on the streets, alone, starving and cold. You didn't have a home, nor family, neither food to live in the cold and dirty streets, you were kind of used to it though. You were wearing ragged, dirty and smelly clothes. Each single day you wished for a miracle to happen, so you could get our of this misery.

Today an event took place for the nobles of the state, and you thought it would be a great idea to stay near, so when the event finishws, you could eat the food that was thrown away in the garbage and finally get your daily meal. The waiting killed you every time, since you could hear your tummy rumbling and begging for food.

You were sitting on a corner, looking at the nobles. The one that interested you the most was a boy with a black patch on his eyes and his butler, a tall, handsome and with crimson eyes man.

The hours passed, you were starving and when you saw food being thrown away you ran to it. As soon as came near you realized it was just garbage.

"Well.. isn't life unfair.." You said with sorrow and guilt, all hopes of getting at least one crumb of bread were crushed in that instant.

There wasn't food in the event so you got up and walked away, you were feeling weak, and sick. As long as you realized, you fainted on the cold, dirty floor.

---------Sebastian's POV---------

What a boring event..

I should probably take a look around, to kill time.

I was walking around, looking at the buildings, dogs, cats, people... and then I saw a woman, fainted in the floor, something made me grab her and stare at her face.

'She is... beautiful,..' I thought to myself.

I realized the event finished and went to my master, with the woman in my arms. Excited to see what's on store of her beauty.

The young lord looked at me with a disgusting expression on his face, but then I thought of an idea to convince my young lord.

"Young master, I think we need help in the manor. Don't you think?" This was obviously an excuse, but I knew he would eventually agree to it.

Ciel nodded deciding not to question my decision, so we took the young woman to the manor, when the boring event finished.

Now the real fun starts.

--------Your POV--------

I woke up on a bed... a neat bed..? I rubbed my eyes looking around. What a beautiful room... haven't had a bed in years.

How come I ended up here in first place? What happened? I shouldn't be here.. I am simply a woman who lives in the streets after all, this feels like a dream.

Someone knocked on the door, it was the tall man I saw at the event? What was happening in here?

"Good morning milady." He said with a soft tone and a smile, handing me tea. The tea was delicious, I never tasted something like this. I also noticed his long slender and covered hands.

I drank all of my tea doubtfully, and accidentally dropped some tea on the sheets. I mentally slapped myself, and when I looked down I realized I had clean and neat clothes. I haven't had clean clothes in years... it feels so refreshing.

"How did I end up here, sir?" I asked him looking at his crimson eyes.

"Well, my master will explain to you later. So please, get changed milady, there are your clothes, in the wardrobe." He bowed and got out of the room smirking.

This was really confusing, but I just went to the bathroom and looked at the mirror questioning myself. What have I gotten myself into? I can be considered clumsy and dreamy but I never thought I would reach this length of absent-mindness.

What's happening in here?

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