Dave's Beginning

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Dave's Ring up top.

The Group that torments me chased me, this is my everyday life, and Getting beat up by a group of people. I jumped up the sides of the building; I stepped into the crack of two buildings, they stopped below me.

"Where is he?" The shortest one of the four says

"Probably hiding like a Pussy!" The medium Brown-haired one yells grinning like a maniac.

"Or he's already at class," Austin says with a bored look on his face his glasses falling slightly

"No here's around here I can feel it," The Black haired boy says grinning an emotionless glint in his eyes.

They walked away, I released the breath I was holding suddenly someone pulled my foot and I fell face-first on the hot concrete.

"Shit!" I yell groaning as a kick was roughly sent into my side, it sent me flying into the wall next to me, I groaned as I slowly got up and smiled at my tormentors

"Is that all you've got?" I ask, Sarcasm in my voice

I instantly regretted my decisions as they growled, well I am dead I think to myself as I was picked up by Brad who smiled at me, I looked him dead in his green eyes as I was emotions swimming around in there, It had Anger, Hate, Confusion, Insecurity, and Lust?.

"What's The Matter brad?" I ask the Teen "Lost your spark, do you want a kiss to make you feel better?" I taunt, His gripped tightened as he held his head low I saw how he was shaking, and he leaned into my ear, I even saw a faint blush on his cheeks.

"As Tempting as that sounds, I'll Pass, I don't want to be infected by your diseases, "he says, which made me growl at him

Why is he affecting me like this? I think as he winked at me letting me fall my face flushing red and What diseases?

 why I oughta.

"Oh, what's this?" Ray asks Looking at me, I gazed up at him a scowl on my face.

"Looks like the little fag, is excited" He snarls, I look down and immediately cover-up

"Hey it's got a mind of its own; I have no control over it!" I yell that is when he kicked me in my face. I hit my face in the wall, that's gonna leave a bruise I Think to myself

"Well Time to teach the fag a lesson," Ray says cracking his knuckles.

"Gulp," I say they stopped in their tracks

"Did you just say gulp?" Brad asks me

"N-No," I say with a small smile hiding his terrified I am

I recoiled as his fist connected with my stomach, groaned I tried to stand, my eyes already stinging, My Tormentors, my former friends, Ray Reid, Austin Matthews, and Calvin Greene, Brad smirked at my pain

"This Lesson shows you that, No one like A Fag!" He says I fell to the ground, even though, what they say is false, I can't help but cry, I got up slowly limping, my way to class, I passed the Vice Principal's office and she wasn't inside

Dave keep to yourself cut if you have to but never tell an adult

"Mr. Santiago You're late again!" My English teacher says I sigh lowly

"I know sir, I just fell down the stairs Twice," I say, smiling a bit my features slightly glossy, The class snickered, my eyes averted to Alex, who gave a Why you lying face, I shook my head and he went back to his book he was reading

"Hey, Al!" I say sitting next to the seventeen-year-old teen, His red hair cut short to his ear, he sighed and turned to me

"Dave you have to tell a teacher you're getting bullied!" he says worry lacing his features, I blush slightly seeing as he cared about me, so to cover it up I shake my head

"No that will only get me signing my Death warrant!" I say jokingly,

Jace turned to me, His sliver hair in a small ponytail, and he looked at me his blue eyes shimmering with regret

"Nope! Not A word!" I say, honestly, he was hurt but I didn't care

"Dave Why are you so mean to Jace?" Zack asks, his black hair spiked up as always

"HE MADE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL!" I say, Jace turned to me and sighed pushing his glasses up from his nose as he cleared his throat before speaking.

"Look I am sincerely sorry for what I did can you forgive me," Jace asks, I contemplated and pretended to think

"Hmm, Eh Nah!" I say, he gave up and turned back to the teacher who gave us an assignment, I saw it was for me to write a short story I smiled and did just that

"Dave, A, Word" I looked at Mr. Burnett

"Yes, Sir?" I say calmly, he looked up at me pushing his glasses back up to his face

"Now, Is Brad the first boy you have ever liked?" He asked bluntly

Wow, talk about privacy might as well lie

"Yeah," I say looking down sadly, okay just to catch you up with what's happening let's go back to about two weeks ago right, so

I was struggling with who I liked, and somehow Brad got an email saying I liked him, he showed all the boys in the class resulting in me being a punching bag,

For words and for fists, since I accepted I was Bisexual, some of my class did as well Sadly Brad wanted me hurt badly so he kissed my First Crush Ashley in class on his birthday.

don't get me wrong the kiss was Hot but I was hurt, So I Ran out of class literally I did, I got videoed no matter what I told myself to not cry, I somehow did So I cried in the bathroom,

After I ran out my best friend Jake found me, he was slightly oblivious to why I was crying, so I lied saying I was jealous of Them together, Which is true for the most part. I was jealous of them being together, but I was not sure whom I was jealous of whether it was Brad or Ashley.

"Look, I don't want you expressing those stuff in your writing, you have potential and that is why I'm tolerating this kind of behavior okay, So now off to your lunch" I nodded slowly and passed Brad he had a mischievous glint in his eyes so, I ran, I bumped into my 8th-grade friends

"Hey Vanessa, Theo, Liam, Abigail, Charlie and Guy who's name I can't remember, sorry I'm in a rush and I can't stop, Vanessa we can talk about teen wolf tomorrow k, bye!" I say bolting down the corridor

"NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS! "The vice-principal shouted, I stopped at the bathroom and I gave up all logic and I ran onto the football field, my breathing getting heavy, I saw a boy younger than me crying

"Hey, You OK?' I ask him, he shook his head, seeing he was hungry I gave him my lunch "Here eat, you need it more anyways' I say smiling, he smiled at me

"Thank you!" he says suddenly a bright light engulfed me when I opened my eyes a blue ring was on my finger

"Weird," I say, I walked back to school, hearing the bell ring "Time for hell again," I say going to Building Tech, as I entered the class Alex spotted me and patted the chair next to his

"Glad to see you're okay" he says , slightly , he smiled and that caused the blood to rush to my face , Maybe, I will find something to make me happy throughout the class I caught myself glancing at Alex .

"See Yah Tomorrow Al!" I say, he got into his car and waved, a hand on my shoulder I sighed deeply

"Dave, remember we were supposed to go Hyundi!" May says, her friends, Lia, Hayden and Mia all, waiting impatiently, Nick was there he was Hayden's boyfriend, yet he gave looks as if he wanted something from me, I wonder what it could be?

"Ready?" May asks turning to me I nod and skip to the front of them

"So let's go Chicas and Chico," I say going towards our hangout spot

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Mines a Wolf ;)

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