Opposites Fight

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 I said this in a precious chapter i suck at fight scenes


I slowly circled Dave, with a Flame sword, yes I made my sword of Flames "Light do we really have to do this?" i ask

"Yes!" she says soon an ice arrow grazed my skin, What the fuck, already. Dave is a good marksman, I wonder how he is in bed. Wait No!, Alex stop it 

'FUCK!" i yell, Dave ran over to me he touched my cheek

"OMG, ALEX ARE YOU OK?"  he asks, soon I felt something wet on my cheek, Dave kissed the cut and suddenly it disappeared

"So you can heal?" i ask him , he nods and draws his sword and slices after me

"C'mon Alex lets fight" he says , i smirk and drew my sword and slash him , i cut off his left arm , he realized and he screamed, Blood oozed from the spot. Dave kicked up his leg and   soon a jet of water came and surrounded his arm that was cut off and the place it was supposed to be , he healed it in a matter of seconds

"C'mon!" he yells soon I saw him throw his sword and he groaned when i dodged

"That was a dumb Move Davie," I say 

"I Know he yells" Firing arrows, I dodged them with ease but i stopped when saw hundreds of arrows  them just coming towards me, I only dodge twenty of the one hundred, sadly we had a tie since I almost killed him and he almost froze my heart, so yeah

"Next up is Wind and Earth !" Light says, Devin and May went up May Tuied her hair in a ponytail  and Devin had a pure concentration

"Begin!" Light shouts soon Devin floats in the air moves his staff in a circular motion andMay  falls to the floor gasping

"C-cheater!" May growls soon an almond tree grabs Devin and Devin started to sneeze

Oh Allergies This will be fun

Dave P.O.V

I jumped in my seat, "Who said that? " I ask, Alex, raised an eyebrow at me, I turned back to the fight and it so happens that Devin lost, since his allergies acted up he lost focus. May then slammed her hands into the ground Creating boulders that hit Devin out of the air, He fell spitting out blood.

"Devin loses!" LIght announced. "You lost to a girl?" she taunts " Oh God I'm so glad I recorded that," She says wiping tears of joy.

"Dave can you heal me?" he asks, i nod and go over to him, I hug the teen soon a blue hue engulfed the both of us.

"Now for Air and Fire," Light says 

Devin and Alex smirked 

" I wanted to kick your ass for a very long time," Alex says

"Same here moon , same here" Devin smirked 

Alex, flared his hand, And Giving himself a boost by ignitting his legs to jump and punch devin in the face, 

"Your Lucky We can fight without getting suppended!" Devin said kicking Alex in the ribs it sent him flying to the other side of the room.

Alex laughed as he wiped blood from hos mouth. He then lit his body aflame Charging at Devin, I saw punches eing thrown.  Bllod being sent flying, i made sure to redirect it when ever it came near me or May, Zeal was too usy playing his flute.


I keep punching devin, as he coughed and punched me , we both were evenly matched, it looked like He was getting tired, I mean i was nut I wanted to beat teh crap out of him.

" Dave doesnt even Like you!" He says to me , i continued to punch him

"Your not even Bi" i say kicking him in the side it burnt his shirt and he was slammed against the wall.

He groans, He then greated a sphere around him, Running up to me, I thenbegan to punch it, Rapidly as i started to laugh.

"I cant wait to see You Bleed even MoreDevin!" I taunted, His eyes went wide 

"Your crazy" He said, I laughed still punching, we were not gonna give up. 

" Hey Stop!" Dave said, I stopped, Looking at him 

"D-Dave?" I ask, Devin then Got up ready to punch me, Dave spun around kicking him in a wall.

"....." He laid there not moving 

" I'll heal him later" Dave responds, He gave me a hug as he glowed a bright blue, He smiled, at me, And leaned closer to my ear 

"Kusy don't get hurt too much okay? ,I care about you too much" Dave finished, He then pulled away walking to Devin, Hugging him as he was Healed, Devin gave e a snarl, One which  i gladly returned.

"Oh well go back to class it starts now just say Light dim and you will appear where you want to be," she says, we smirk So After school then?" I ask, she nods


Take us to Our first Class of the day

Light- Oh Dave By the way, You have inherited my Telepathy Power Use it wisely, Just kidding, don't overuse it tho okay?

Okay Chappy up, Anyay WHo do you   ship with Dave?






Which of these hotties?

Well i pick Alex . cause why not

Anyway see yah

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