Devin's Beginning

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Devin's Ring At Top.

I watched as Dave and Alex spoke, my heart clenching slightly at the sight, nothing hurt more than seeing the bruises on my crushes face, he turned around and saw me, I waved, he did the same smiling and then he laughed at Alex's Joke, I held my head down in my book not to draw attention to myself

"So What's the answer to question number 5 ?" Brad asks me, I smirk at him

"Well, I don't know My memory is kinda Hazy," I say rubbing my head

Brad growled handing me $50, I took it smirking " Oh, I remember to now," I say laughing

"It's C "I whisper

I watched as Dave and Alex were sharing Answers, Anger built up inside me and a low growl escaped my lips, Brad saw and smirked he then raised his hand to the teacher

"Sir, Dave, and Alex are cheating" He shouted the entire class went silent

Both boys looked at Brad with playful smirks on their faces

"Mr. Gold, They completed their test half an hour ago," Our Music teacher said, I sighed and walked to give up my paper as I passed by Dave and Alex I heard a few whispers.

" Are you sure that Devin doesn't like you?" Alex whispered

" Yeah, I'm pretty sure, He may have been overprotective of me a lot " Dave paused " But other than that, he is quite amazing"

" Ok, I still don't trust him," Alex said

" Are you Jealous Mr. Moon?" Dave asks Slyly

"M-Me, W-What, No I'm Not Gay" Alex whispered

" Keep telling yourself that, you might actually believe it," dave said

"Gays are disgusting," Alex said in a monotone

"W-Wow, Alex, I thought you were different, " Dave says standing up, Alex pulled him back down into a hug

"I was joking okay," Alex says, hugging his friend

"I-It's fine, I'm just really sad,"  Dave said, Alex pulled away and Dave began to talk about random stuff, Sitting back down in my seat I saw when Dave placed his head on Alex's shoulder 

Apparently Dave was called back to speak to Mr. Burnett, I sighed and I went towards lunch, I felt my eyes sting when I saw Ray chasing Dave, so I intercepted Ray making him trip and hurt himself, "FUCK!" he yelled, I snickered to myself and I turned only to see a little boy

"Can I borrow Some Money, My Mom Is sick and I don't have anything to buy her the medicine?" He says, I took out $5 and gave him, He smiled brightly

 "Thank you, Mister!" I smiled back and turned to walk away but a bright light blinded me.

I opened my eyes to see a grey ring on my finger, I looked at it in shock and I walked towards Building Tech and sat down, Dave came in he looked different, he had a blue outline around his eyes, I had a sinking feeling when he and Alex Smiled and locked eyes every five minutes

I saw Dave and his friends Over at Hyundi eating drinking and talking, Dave sipped his Latte and turned to me he smiled

"Here's " he knocked the cup "The Motherfucking" he knocked the cup "Tea" he finished laughing along with May, Lia, Mia, and Hayden out of a Rush Hope came in

 " Guys, Code XXX's," she said

"you saw a bunch of cute guys and they are coming our way," Dave asked, she nodded squealing happily and jumping up and down, I saw the guys Dave turned and his face paled



they stared at each other the silence deafening "Okay Since today is the last day before the new school year how about we all come back here and tell each other what happened over the holiday?" May suggested

Nick shrugged his shoulders and the girls plus Dave squealed "Fine, Now let's go home before anyone gets hurt" Dave got up but

Zeal pulled him towards the bathroom, I was going to follow them when Will, Jacob, Leo, Rick, and Mark Stopped me

"Dude it is not worth it let them talk Okay" I growled at Mark's sympathetic look but I stopped none the less.

I sat down next to Nick, Who gave me his Blank face as he stared at me 

I was being watched as I ate my food, "Guys stop looking at me like that" I say a small snarl was on my face when I looked in the direction of the bathroom.

"Uh, Uhm, I G-gotta go," I say standing abruptly and ran outside, I spotted my motorcycle jumping on it and driving off towards my house, my phone was ringing for a while, but I ignored it.

No one knows this but my mom left me when I was young, so I live along, at least my dad sends me money. Entering my house I took out my phone to see I had 100 text messages all from Dave

"How did he do that so fast" I whisper to myself 

I arrived home, I ran out when Dave can back his face was red and he was smiling Same with Zeal, I was Jealous and I then punched my Wall.

I can't be Jealous Dave isn't mine

I can' be Jealous Dave will never be mine

I sat on my bed and I cried hard before I passed out sleeping, My phone dinged twice before I opened up my texts seeing it was from Dave.

Dave - Hey Dev!

Devin - Yeah?

Dave - I was wondering did anything happen today, you ran out of Hyundi before we were done, so if I did anything wrong I'm sorry.

Devin  - It's ok, I was just kinda sad, cause my mom was sick 

Dave - Oh then can you tell your mom, I said hi

Devin - Okay Dave See yah 

I shut off my phone and placed it next to me "Well At least I have this?" I say rubbing my grey ring 

I wish life was easy like my stories, don't yah think So The question is

Who is your Favorite Character so Far?

Mine is Dave




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