Alex's Beginning

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Alex's Ring at Top.

I picked up the book Dave dropped, Hmm, He always writes, I wonder how, he gets his inspiration. why he writes and how he does it. I wonder what it's about I turned to the first page

I stared longingly at my friend, his Chocolate brown eyes glistened as he played football, and He turned over to me

"Hey Dan!" he yells, my face flush red as he ran over to me

"Yes, Adam?" I answer smiling at my friend who wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I saw your note," Adam whispers rubbing the back of his head.

"W-What Note?" I ask a shiver running down my spine as he stepped closer to me his husky scent washing over my senses.

"U-Uhm, I, Your hot" I slapped myself as Adam stepped closer to me cupping my cheek his football uniform stuck to his skin as he caressed my face

"You know I always liked you, "He says, leaning in closing the gap as he kissed me savoring our connection even if it was brief

I stared at my crotch as it bulged from just reading Dave's book, what is this feeling? It can't be. did I already feel this before?

"Hey, Alex what are you reading?" Jace asks, his silver hair in a small ponytail, I know what you are thinking and yes, he dyed his brown hair silver, why? nobody really knows.

"Dave's book," I say simply continuing on the chapter.

We pulled apart by the sound of a camera clicking; I turned my head to see Alisa smirking at me

"Delete that pic," I say hiding my red face

"Make Me," she says, I smirk looking at her boyfriend

"Rex Alisa is Horny!" I yell his head whipped around spotting his girlfriend as he ran towards her

"I'm gonna kill you, Dan!" I hear her yell as he chased her,

"Where were we?" Adam asks me, I pull him back into a kiss, this one more heated and passionate than the last.

the door was pushed opened and I looked up from the book to see Dave at the door, I saw buries on him, my heart sank, tears gathered in my eyes and I furiously wiped them away. He saw me and He smiled, I gave him a small smile as well, he then proceeded to enter the class. Why would he do this?, I think to myself

I watched as my friend limped into class, he always lies just to protect Brad and his groupies, I growl lowly and I felt a paper hit my head, I looked at it, Allison wrote it, because she's the only one who dots her I's with hearts and uses purple into to do that.

Quit it! That will only make Dave get into more trouble!

'I fell down the stairs twice" Dave says making the class laugh at his comment, I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. Who would believe that Dave? , I shook my head and glared at Allison who smiled back, I saw Dave making his way back to his seat next to me that is when another paper hit me. I looked back at Allison and she smirked pointing to the paper at my foot, I bent down and took it up reading the other paper she threw.

Good luck with your Man

I blushed and I went back to reading the book Dave wrote Love Confusion, wow that's what I am in right now, But I'm Not gay loving Dave is wrong, I am not a fag, but why does it feel so right at the same time?

OH an't that quaint?

He sat next to me smiling "Hey Al!" he says, I sighed hiding my blush, why is he always so cheerful, I envy that, also it brings out his freckles that he has, they are faint but still he has them, why am I staring at him again?

"Dave you need to tell a teacher about you getting bullied," he paled and shook his head so fast I thought it would fall off, My head clenched for the teen in front of me.

"No doing that would only sign my death warrant," he says laughing, I laughed quietly, doing my work which the teacher set out for us, Dave and I continued to talk about random things, until he placed his head on my shoulder to emphasize a point.

"You see sleeping on a shoulder is also better than sleeping in a lap" he starts

"W-what'd you mean?" I ask him

"Letting someone sleep on your should furthers the relationship you have with them," He says,

"Oh lookie here what do we have here," Rosa says saving a picture when Dave was snoring slightly.

"Rosa Stop," I say hiding my blush

"No way this is going in my Scrapbook and also set it as my wallpaper" she pauses " So You like him, He likes you, Fuck already!" she says I gasp as she walks away smiling not giving me a chance to respond

Time-skip lunchtime! <3

I went to my usual table and saw that Dave was missing "Where is Dave?" I asked Angel looked at me with a snarl, She knew I liked Dave but I wouldn't tell him

"I don't know, some friends you are!" she said Zac patted her head and she elbowed him in the ribs

"Fuck off  Zac!" she said, I laughed, and she glared at me

"Oh, There's Dave!" I say, Dave was running so I followed him with my lunch, of course, I bumped into a boy shorter than me

"Hey Kid here, I gotta go," I say giving him my lunch, He smiled brightly and I felt something burning on my finger soon I was waking up on the floor with a red ring on my finger I saw Dave going to class so I did the same

'Glad to see you in one piece" I say, he smiled and began writing his notes, I bit my lip looking at his features, and I got busy with my work and I smiled at Dave when I say he was looking at me

I went home I laid on my bed and repeated my mantra

I am Not Gay

I am Not A FAG

What was the meanest thing you have ever said to someone?

Mine, Put a leash on your pussy, and I said it to my best friends girlfriend

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