Shadows Part 2

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Previously On Shadows Part 1-

There were 5 shadow-like beings standing in the center of the school. After realizing everyone was gone, I transformed and ran out towards them. Seeing that my teammates were already there, Our hairs had our elemental colors, and masks were on our eyes as we already had our weapons out.

"Who are you!" I ask pointing my weapon at them, The one before me took a step forward, It slowly formed out into a shape. It was. Me...

"T-That's impossible!, You cant be Me" I yelled. I saw that the other four did the same taking the forms of my teammates only darker, scarier, and meaner.

"Well Well Well, Let's get acquainted shall we Aqua?" The dark blue-haired boy smirked at me and I knew the only thing going through mine and my teammates' minds. '

How the fuck did this happen


I stared at the shadow version of me , there was a psychotic smile on his face, one which i never knew i had, my hands were shaking, as fear gripped my core. 

Alex ran forward towards his shadow and He tackled the boy to the ground throwing punch after punch. I Jumped forward about to help but my shadow sent me flying into the wall. "Mother Trucker Biscuit Fucker" I yelled.

May did the same she sent her shadow flying and ran after it, Devin and his fly into the sky and Zeal took his and threw him into the music room

I got up wiping blood from my mouth, as i then summoned water balls, sending it at my shadow. He was hit and drenched he growled and send ice shards at me, I dodged and i looked up at him. 

"Why are you doing this?" I yell, "Why are you here?" 

He stood his head tilting to the side "We were sent here" he started as he then kicked a ball of ice to me,  i jumped up stepping on it  and kicking him in the face. 

"Who sent you!" I yell , he smirked and pulled out his sword "Who else you idiot, Dad sent us". I drew out my sword and went for the fight that started up again.

Alex's P.O.V.

I was punching my shadow without rest, and gave them back to me, i kicked him up in the air sending fireballs at him, he sent them back at me , i groaned  and kicked him into a wall again. 

"You little fucker , Why are you here" I yelled glaring at him, he smiled and looked over at Dave, My Dave. 

"Im here to take your Aqua, he's pretty cute" he says as he licks his lips, My anger rose andmy hands flared up, Litterally. 

"You dirty Bitch"


"dont you dare Touch him"


"I'll Kill you!"

I punched him again, and he grabs my hand flaring up just the same. "Lets make it an even match" he grinned as he punched me , the air leaving my lungs for a split second.


I floated in the sky as i stared at my shadow, He Then charged at me, punching and grabbing my hair, I was pissed so i did the same. 

"Why are you Doing This??" I ask anger radiating off of me. 

"Dad sent us" He replied flying higher into the clouds.

May's POV.

Of all times this is what chooses to happen, and on the first day back??

"Why are you here," I ask

"Dad sent us, what else brat," She asks, her tone sarcastic and annoyed, as she lunged for me.

A bright light shone as two figures stared each other down. 

I looked over at where it came from. 

Light looked over at me and Smiled, then her face went cold as she stared down at the man who was in front of her. 

"Nice to See you after so many Years sweetie" His tone sickly sweet.

Dave ran up growling "Who is he??" He asked in an angry tone.

"Call me Dad"

Hey, guys sorry for not updating for a while, Here it is. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New year when it comes.

DaveXAshley Out

Aqua101 Splashing out~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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