May's Beginning

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Sitting in my seat before class started was a bust, I turn to my friends who were engaged in a small chat "Guys" I say they stopped their chatter and looked at me

"Yeah?" Lia answers, Her Black hair in a Small Ponytail, as she looks at me.

"So, You know that Dave is getting Bullied right?" I say in a low voice.

"What?" She answers, I could tell she wants to Punch someone or something 

"Lia, Calm Down," I say, Soon Enough she did, Her eyes held a firey passion, burning hate for the ones who bully our friend

'Okay, So who did it?" She asks, trying to keep her anger under wraps, " He, didn't tell me who "I say, Looking down, My phone pinged and I saw a message from Calvin

C - hey Boo!

M - Hey Cal, what's up aren't you in class

C- No, we got a free period, Uhm So see you at lunch?

M- Sure Bye!

I grinned like an idiot, Lia, looked at me "Calvin?" she asks, Distain in her voice, Woah, She wasn't even trying to hide the fact she hates him

"Yeah, By the way, Why do you Guys Hate Calvin?" I ask, Lia froze Up " Well, I just don't like him," She says, Soon enough, our teacher walked inside the classroom. And our convo ended Just like that.

Lunch Came by Fast, I was sitting with my friends just waiting on Calvin, My friends Looked at Me When They saw Dave Run Past us. I looked at them, They gave me a knowing Glance. Getting up from My seat I briskly walked behind, Calvin and his group

"Where is he?" Calvin asks, Growling 

"Maybe we shouldn't try to kill him," Austin says

"Are you serious, He doesn't belong in this world" Ray Retorts

" What does Brad have to say about this?" Calvin asks Ray, I stepped closer.

"W-What do you mean?" Ray asks, shaking with fear 

"We all know Brad Is the Second Top Guy in the School, Dave is At 3rd for some reason, But Brad Only Verbally hurts him, He never Physically Touched Him, " Austin says, Smirking 

"So What would he do when he finds out That You, Ray Reid, Injured Dave Badly ?"  Austin taunts

I was about to turn but that's when I saw Calvin, Kissing someone else I stepped back Tears in my eyes "I G-guess My friends Were right about You"

I backed away running, I heard him calling me but I turned a corner I bumped into Dave "hey You Alright?" He asks me, I push him away running,  Suddenly I bumped into a young boy crying.

"Hey, Why are you crying? " I ask, He slowly looks up at me 

"You really care don't you?" he asks, I look at him weirdly And nod slowly. 

"Thanks," he says a small smile on his face, a bright white light engulfed My vision, I found myself leaning against the wall I was crying at earlier, I saw a Green ring on my finger shrugging it off. I walked towards my Next class, Which Was Music

Sitting next To Jay and Lia, And across from Hope and Hayden

"Hey May You alright?" Jay asks me concern in his voice. I nod and smile 

"Y-Yeah, Why wouldn't I be fine," I ask in a sarcastic voice, which seemed to make them laugh a bit.

"YOu just seemed different," He said, I sighed 

"Look, Jay, I'm no different I'm Just Me," I say smiling.

The School day ended, naturally I walked towards the front gate, but Allison stopped me

"Hey May, Have you seen, Dave?" She asked me, I sigh 

"No I haven't I'll tell him you were looking for him though," I say, she smiled and gave me a hug 

"Thanks, " she says Walking away, My face fell when she hugged R-Jay. Dave was walking with Alex, Talking about a lot of random stuff I smiled at them, I picked up my phone and started to play a game.

"So See You tomorrow Alex" Dave yells, Waving his hand in the air. I sighed sending a text to Lia 

M- Dave Is so in love with Alex

L- Am Saying, gurl. How is he still Single?

M- I don't know

L- It's time, for us to go to Hyundi 

"Dave, remember we were supposed to go Hyundi!" I say He turned towards us smiling he gave us a nod and skipped towards the front of us 

"Let's Go Chicos!" He says walking away, We followed closely behind him, Lia saw my demeanor and her eyes diverted to my phone.

"May What's wrong?" She asked I gave her my best smile

"Calvin and I broke up," I say

"That's Amazing," She says, I look at her instantly " Err, I Mean That's Awful,"  She says, 

"I caught him cheating on Me, Right before my very eyes" Lia stopped, a small smile on her face

"Can I kill him?"  she asks,  I laughed at her 

"No!" I say, she sighed and continued walking.

"  Okay, C'mon, we'll get your favorite Smoothie," She says, I laughed and nodded 

"Okay, Let's Go"

 Sorry For The Late Update 

So The Question Today is 

What's your Favorite Drink?

Mines Cola ;)

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