Party Crashers

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Dave's P.O.V

"Angel!" I scream at my cousin who just laughed at me, My Friends and i Were having a small get together, Angel wanted to Play Truth or Dare and by wanted i mean, the girl threatened to burn what we cared about, 

For Alex, it was his Football, 

For May it was her Phone, 

For Allison, it was a book,

 R-jay it was his Jacket, 

Lia and Luther, it was their Connective pendants 

Devin, it was His Leather jacket 

Xavier, it was his Phone as well 

Ace it was his laptop

For Tammy, Lucious, Hope, and Hayden it was their Wallets and purses. 

And finally Me, She threatened to Burn My Teddy Bear.

 Yes, I know she is evil, and so what if I still have a teddy Bear, he helps me sleep at night.

"So, Dave Truth or Dare?" Angel asks a sly smirk on her face

"Truth" i answer im not dumb enough to pick Dare.

"Is it true you Have a crush on someone in this room?" she asks , ,y heart beat stopped 

This bitch

"Yeah" i answer, i could tell what she had planned 

"Would you like to tell us?" she asked 

"Nope!" i say popping the P, she eyes narrowed 

"Idiot" she says

"Bitch" I retort 

"That's Boss Bitch to you Bitch" she grinned , i laughed at her foolish ways.

"Hmm, Angel Truth or Dare" i ask , she eyes narrowed yet again. 

"Dare, I ain't No Pussy" she said, i smirked at her, my eyes darted to Xavier 

"No" she says Regret flooding her system 

"Yes, Angel , I dare you To Kiss Xavier" I laughed at her flushed face , 

"Sweet Sweet revenge" i laugh, earning a few werid looks from my friends. I stopped laughing to stare at my friends "What she asked for it" i defended pouting, as Angel slowly crawled towards Xavier

"This means nothing," She said, still red, Xavier raised an eyebrow at her 

"Then Why are you blushing?" he asked

"DO you want to kiss me or not?" Angel deadpanned, humor and joy leaving her tone

"Yeah, just waiting on you to answer my question" He smirked, Angel's hand twitched, I could tell she was gonna sucker punch him. So I quickly grabbed her hand

"Heyy, Sweetie, Change of Dare," I say, a small frown was on Xavier's Face " Angel I dare you to order a pizza and flirt with the delivery guy". I smirk 

Angel smirked but suddenly a knock was at our door. I got up walking towards it seeing Zeal, Will Jacob, and Their entire squads Behind them.

"You don't think you can have a party without inviting me right?" Ashley asks, I sigh 

"So Dave are you gonna let us in?" Zeal asks, A dangerous smirk on his face . I groaned but smiled sweetly at them 

"Sure Come on in," I say 

They cheered entering my house And filled the living room 

"So what are we playing? Zeal asks, Alex Growled lowly at the teen 

"Truth Or Dare," Angel said 

"Well, Since we are here, Let's Play Dirty Truth Or Dare"  Ashley started.

"Zeal Dirty Truth Dirty Dare?" Ashley asks 

"Dirty DAre" He responded 

"I dare you to give Dave A Lap Dance Shirtless" Ashley finished.

Dave went red, Alex Growled, Devin Snarled and Zeal Blushed 

Zeal slowly Walked up to Dave Taking off his shirt slowly grinding on the teen. That's what changed Alex, and Devin Jumped up Pulling and Pushing Zeal Off Of Dave.

'Don't touch What's mine!" Alex and Devin yelled, Surprising everyone in the room 

"Uhm, Wel Look at the time We should all get going," Allison said Grabbing Alex and R-jay running out May Grabbed Devin and Lia, Luther ran out with them, Soon After Everyone Left leaving.

I laid in my  Bed Looking at my ceiling " What happened tonight, Why did They react that way?" I Ask slowly touching my heart, 

"Why did it make me feel so different that they both were against it?". I sighed deciding not to dwell on it tonight.

Okay Update Sorry its so short I was already planning on publishing it today so yeah 

{ D/C ] The Element Keepers [ Rewritten ]Where stories live. Discover now