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I arrived at my house, tired from the day's activities, from Detention then to the  Hospital then getting powers I turned towards my phone. 

Dave's dream

i woke up in a room that was white and nothing but white

a lady in a full white gown saw me " Oh Dave your here, good, now listen, Ever since the beginning of time, we had a war light vs dark, You are light's subject, more likely her children, you each got a ring right?" she asks me i look at my hand to see the ring and it happens to be glowing brightly

"Dave you are the water elemental OK, the leader of the Mix and the one who will bring peace to St.Ives, Now Go to the Temple of Light Which is at the intersection of All the ley lines," she says, i stood up

"Where is the intersection?" i ask her she smiled at me and showed me that i already knew

"The High school?" i asked her raising an eyebrow "why did you build it there?, And in the library at that?" i ask her , she cocks her head to the side and smirked

"It was there first" she says, i smiled and she seemed to be wavering

"Wait, who are you?" i ask,

"You know my name," she says before she disappeared and my dream ended a faint whisper

"What what is your name?!" I ask frantically


i opened my eyes to find that it was morning, i looked at my phone


School starts at 8, better get the guys, I whisper to myself and enter the bathroom the water turning on and I decided to try something I visualized a rose forming in the water soon enough it formed one, I smirked and formed a weapon, A bow, and arrow, sword formed and suddenly disappeared into my ring, I sighed and exited the bathroom

"Bye Mom, Dad, sis !" I say rushing out of my house grabbing an apple, I ran towards my car, hopped in and drove to school I also saw that they created a group in WhatsApp


Alex- Morning

Devin- Why are you up?

May-  I was trying to sleep,  I'm Gonna kill whoever woke me

Zeal- can we not fight?

Alex- Nah, we have to fight 


Alex- Fine we will meet you there

i hung up and drove towards St.Ives Memorial High, i exited my car and locked it up tight and ran towards the library, i sat in the corner and tapped my foot silently

The doors opened to the boys and Girl  who were looking around for me soon they spotted me and came over,

'So what was so important?" Alex  ask glumly, I smiled, he saw and blushed

"I met Light," I say the table got quiet and they sat down

'Where?" May asks, quizzically

"When I was Asleep" I answered, her, They looked at me and I told them everything that happened, they all had a shock on their faces and i then looked to see if anyone was watching us, We went to the farthest corner of the library, The looked at me, before nodding

"Light Shine bright!" i say soon we appeared in a dining room, the place was white and gold i turned my gaze to the boys and Girl  who were awestruck "Amazing isn't it?" a voice almost melodic as an angel's

"Welcome Back My Children, Ready to Train?" she asks, i nod and stepped forward

"How old are you?" Alex asks, Light sighed

"I'm 17 Million years old," she says, Oh, So she's basically a teen like us. Who knew, I stood next to Alex who smirked at me

"Can you read minds?" I ask her, she nods and turned away from us

"Let's go to the weapon room" she says, She leads us down a hall that held pictures of Copies of us, almost like our relatives, but It mostly changed, ranging from 4 boys one girl to  4 girls one boy, Then two girls three boys, and three girls two boys. She stopped in front of a room, I pushed opened the doors.

Okay, I expected to see bows, swords, staffs, daggers, spears and all those good things, but not this. I stepped into the empty room, my Face fell, and i started to laugh. That's when Alex started as well, May left out giggles and Zeal was trying to keep a straight face.

"The whole point of having a weapon room it that there should be weapons!" Devin says , suddenly my ring glowed and the sword , Bow and arrows came out, They alll looked at Me, Light smiled at clapped her hands, My chest glowed as i felt a rushing power within them  and me 

"i-I uhm"  I started Alex looked at me, amazed 

"Wow  D-Davie"  He started, I blushed at the nickname "Y-your already prepared!" He continued.

" Thanks, I guess" I say, shrugging and blushing, May nudged my arm, smirking I swatted it away " shush!!"  I cried out.

"Okay Dave, You just Got A boost in your felid, Which is healing and archery "  Light replies, She turned to the others.  " The rest of you however, are Still not equipped for battle, Lesson one, Always be prepared."  She finished. she made a chart appear with our names and faces, I saw when a blue water droplet appeared next to me. 

" Well i see Dave is prepared, As for the rest of you make your weapons or else!" She commanded, making the chart dissapper again.

"well, at least she didn't Try to kill you guys?" I say sounding optimistic.

So how's the chapter

Question is Favorite Male Celebrity from Teen Wolf

Mine Is Tyler Posey ;)

Two updates in one day , I hope this makes up for the short chappy.

{ D/C ] The Element Keepers [ Rewritten ]Where stories live. Discover now