Zeal's Beginning

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Zeal ring at the top

Quick Note I Suck at fight scenes, i'm only good with imagination so if the scene is terrible let me know

I Sat in the music Room, My Hand Strumming My guitar As i wrote lyrics for a song. A girl about my age entered, tears falling from her eyes, I stopped playing and walked over to her.

"Hey are you okay?" I ask, Her head snapped towards me , she was scared out of her mind she then gazed to the door.

"Please, Protect me" she whispers, I gave her a weird look

"Uhm Okay?" I say skeptically staring at the door, not long after a group of guys entered, Two of them had crowbars, one hat a bat, and the other had a knife.

"Look, There's the Slut That Didn't give us the full time!" The middle one yelled, he was the tallest of the bunch 

"Look, I don't know who you guys are, but Get the fuck out of my music room," I say, They laughed at me.

"Pretty Boy, calm down" The brown-haired one smirked at me "Unless you wanna take her place,"   He said cupping his ants and biting his lip at me, I smiled sweetly at them.

"Can you close your eyes sweetie?" I ask the girl, she nodded and did as was told, I grabbed a guitar that was close to me, walking towards the teen

"So you want my dick?" he asks, cocky as ever, I smirked and swung, Hitting the senior in the face. He groaned as he collided with the floor. 

"Who's next Pussy?" I ask, smiling, THe medium height boy who had the bat ran towards, I swing like an idiot, I dodged his attacks, and hit him with a base guitar. , It broke and he began to bleed, some of his blood landed on my face. I began to laugh. "Ooh This is exciting" I jumped off a stool that was in front of me bringing a few cymbals, as I clamped them on someone's head, I smirked as he fell to the floor, I'm guessing he was a twin, 

I picked up the wooden bat and walked towards the leader. who glared at me, "Your a Monster" he was shaking in fear, I then stopped in my tracks, and began laughing, my laugh started as a giggle and it slowly morphed into hysterics.

"Tell Me Something I don't know" I smirk and swung the bat effectively knocking him out cold. I dropped the bat and walked back to the girl 

"You can open your eyes, now," I say, soon enough , She did, she gasped at the sight of my appearance.

"Your arm is bleeding!" She yelled, i sighed and sat next to her.

"Oh it is, And your welcome "   I smirk at her, making her eyes fall to the floor

"What do you want, My body?, THat's all i can give u right now " her voice was so broken and she seemed scared.

"W-what No, Honey, No, I'm not like that" i answer

"So you'd want my Twin brother?" she asked, My face went red 

"T-thanks not what I meant!" I say, realizing her mistake, she laughed at my embarrassment.

"Look, I'm sorry for causing you trouble, here's my thank you," she said, kissing my cheek soon a bright light engulfed the room as the light faded, so did her voice 

"See you around Zeal" 

I stood up from where I sat, my eyes, seeing the unconscious bodies around the room, I picked up my phone, 

"Hey Uhm, Guys, It happened again" 


I sat in my room, a smile on my face as i stared at my phone i was talking to Dave, The teen was telling e=me about what he wrote in creative writing, I sighed and laughed at him.

i closed my eyes, but my peace was shortlived when my door opened revealing Jacob and Will "Were going Out" they say in union, 

"Where To?" I ask They both smirked at me 

"There's this party at Dave's house" Jacob starts

"He only told a few of his friends, but not us, or You" Will said i knew what they were gonna say

"Who wants To crash a party?" i ask, a smirk making it's way to my face

okay Sorry i took so long to update and i'm sorry that chapter is so short 

Anyway i hope you enjoy 

Question: What is your favorite season?

Mine All of em >:)

anyway  know what to do


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I am so bored 

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