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"Call Me Mom?" Alex repeated " Woman are you on Crack, Are you Fucking High Or Something?" Alex asked, Clearly Pissed. The Lady in Gold and white raised an eyebrow at Alex.

"Boy watch your tone, Cause if I wanted to I can kill you just like that," She says snapping her fingers.

"Fiesty and Threatening," Alex says, "You remind me of someone., Someone i know a bit too well," he says narrowing his eyes at the Lady.

"My Name is Light" She began, " And I am your guardian And Also Your partner, This is just my spiritual form, My real form will be revealed soon enough," She says. 

"As For You guys, We need to start training"

"What do You mean?" Devin asks Light who, Just Smiled at us, I gave a small smile at Alex who was just Hugging me from behind

"You are the generation who will save Your town and world." She started. "You are The ones we've been waiting for Your The relics" 

"So you're saying that We are Relics?" I ask. Light nodded 

" What are Relics?" Alex whispers to me 

" Relics are objects surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical interest. Or a part of a deceased holy person's body or belongings kept as an object of reverence, It Also Can be a person or thing that has survived from an earlier time but is now outmoded." I finish turning to light.

"I am correct aren't I?" I ask, Light nods, But also rolls her eyes at my quirky smile

"You are Relics, Ones Your Ancestors Created," she says turning to the waterfall, as  I laughed quietly at the little joke Alex just told me.

"Okay, I shall Now Tell You your Relic" She paused " But I won't tell you what they can do"

" Dave, You are the Relic Of Drown, You are the Descendant of The First Water Elemental" She smiled " Your Special Ability Is Healing, It will come in handy for future, Expeditions and encounters"  She finished and Turn to Alex 

"Alex, You're The Relic of Burn, The Descendant Of the First Fire Elemental"  She Smirked at him " Your special Ability is Charm, It will be useful and it can be your downfall, so use it wisely" 

"Devin, You're The Relic Of Whirl, The Descendant of the First Air Elemental" She sighed " Your ability Is Vision, You Can see The future"

"May, You're the Relic Of Growth, The Descendant Of the First Earth Elemental" she paused again " Your Ability Is Life, You Can Tell When Someone Will Die"

"Zeal, You're The Relic Of Mist, The Descendant Of The First Spirit Elemental," she said quietly " Your ability is Muse, You're able to use music as your advantage, But it doesn't work against your teammates" 

Silence washed over us, I started to laugh Light looked at me as she laughed as well, Alex gave me a weird look, I gripped his shoulder, And he slowly started to laugh as well, We all erupted into fits of laughter.

"If Someone told Me, That I would have superpowers I wouldn't believe it!!" I say Wiping the tears of joy from my eyes Alex leaned against me for support. i saw May and Devin laughing, Zeal was also giggling with joy. 

"Oh god, We must be crazy" i Laugh and hold my stomach. 

Light stared at me "Are you questioning my Sanity?" she asked me 

"Probably," i say smiling sweetly

" I see Why he likes you," she says, I tilt my head in confusion. 

"Who are you talking about?" i ask her.

"I wonder how your babies will look?" she mumbles. 

" i can still hear you, you know"  i say, Light frowns at me.

"Your no fun"She responds

"Now go home i'll tell you what to do someday in the week" Light says , laughing a bit

okay sorry for that short chapter i was planning on publishing but i lost some of it anyway see you in the next chappy 

Love you 

DaveXAShley out..

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