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Earlier That Morning

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, i lazily shut it off soon, my phone rang, blaring Be With You by Monday's I instantly knew who it was "Yes Alex?" I ask groggily

"H-hey D-Dave," Alex says his voice shaking a bit

"Al?, What's wrong?" I ask, Concern lacing my voice

" M-My Parents Found out My secret," He says

"W-What Secret ?" I ask him

"I-i'm Bi" He whispers, I felt sudden Joy in my system

" W-Why Didn't You tell me?" I ask, Slight hurt in my voice

"B-Because I didn't want you to judge me," He said

"Alex, I'm Bi as well and you're saying you didn't want me to judge you?" I say slight annoyance in my voice

"L-Look, I-I'm Sorry, Just meet me at Your Locker today," he said " There's Something I have to tell you"

"O-Okay?" I say

I stood at my Locker, Briefly Trying to figure out Why Alex, Wanted to Meet Me "T-This Is Very Confusing, Why did he ask me to meet him here" I wonder to myself, I opened my locker taking out my books, for my first, second, and the third period. I closed my locker and began walking I spotted Allison who was talking to R-Jay, I smiled at the couple walking up to them

"Hey Ally," I say.

" Hey, Dave!" She cheered, giving me her signature smile, pulling me into a hug.

"What's Up?" she asks I smiled

"Nothing much," I say Smiling We both walked towards Class, Ray pushed me into the lockers, I pushed him back. He smirked and then he punched me and That's when I began to React.

"Whoops, Sorry" Ray smirked, I Growled Turning around with a swift Kick it sent him sprawling onto the floor. Gasps were heard, They turned to me " This will be the last time you bully me!" I yell. walking away, Since it was early in the morning, No-one suspected anything they just videoed it and some smirked at me.

"That was Bad Ass Bro," May said, a small smile on her face, I stared at the blonde, She looked different today, her hair had a few green streaks. "Thanks, I Think, So How's Your Last day of 9th Grade been?"I ask. She placed a strain of hair behind her ear.

"Calvin and I Broke up" She whispers

"Thank God" I sigh, She looks up at me "Er, I mean That's Horrible what happened," I say covering up the fact that I didn't like Calvin, Like seriously no one liked him

"He Cheated On Me," She says, I Sighed and pulled her into a hug, One which she gladly accepted. "I should have listened to You, I should have listened to your warnings" I sighed, Still Hugging her

"Shh, You were  young and Dumb, And We All Make mistakes" She glared at me but then ended up laughing.

"Thanks, " She says, we walk towards our class, but then we saw Brad and Reid arguing.

"Hey Break it up," We say They turned towards us, Ray ran up to me, Punching me in the face, Alex appeared next to me Punching Ray, Devin Appeared next to May blocking her from seeing my bloody face, A killer smile was on my face i wiped the blood away.

"You made me bleed," I paused "My Turn Now" I smirk as fear flashed in Ray's eyes, But As I was about to punch him, The principal walked by us.

"Detention" He yelled. I groaned wiping my mouth, May Smirked at Me I realized that Alex was extremely close to me. I smiled at her.

"So Alex what did u want to tell me?" I ask him as we walked side by side.

"W-Well, I like someone" He started

"D-do I know Them?" I ask

"Y-Yeah, you know them Quite well" He Started, But stopped

" Would you tell me who that person is?" I ask

"U-Uhm, N-Not Now," He said stuttering I sighed, But nodded Nonchalantly. we entered the room. I sat near the Window, Slowly observing The group i was placed in detention with The rain pelted outside, I sighed enjoying the sound, My friends gave me weird glances.

"Dave, Your Cute But weird" Alex says, My face burned and I looked away from the teen, he started to flip a lighter. 

"W-Why Do you have That?" I ask, Trying tO calm my heart rate. He shrugs, "Whenever i feel nervous i just flicker a lighter or just think of something hot"  he says, I sighed turning my attention back to the window. 

Zeal Walked up behind me :H-Hey Uhm Dave About Last Month I'm Sorry " He said, Was he really Still thinking abut yesterday?

"Bro It's Okay," I say He gave a faint smile, It didn't reach his eyes though, I shrugged it off  and I sat turned to Alex, Engaging  in a small convo

"Hey Alex, Can I talk to you in private?" May asks. My heart sank and I smiled at the two.

"I-I'mma Just Sit at the window," I say moving from the desk I was sitting on and I wiped my tears quickly,   walking away I sat at the window looking at the water droplet from the rain that fell before, It always seems to calm me down, Looking up I saw Five white streaks in the sky, Soon enough They had a few tints of color to them. Blue, Red, Grey, Brown, and Purple.

"Guys," I say, May looked up from her phone then shrugged

"GUYS!" I say, still, most of them ignored me Alex and May Got up and began to walk towards me, Concern in their eyes, as they approached so did the colored lights 

 " Bro are you ok?" Alex asked

I pointed to the Window their eyes widened as they saw the orbs Closer now

"Run!" I shout We all turned on our heels But That's when The orb Hit Me directly in my back, A pained scream erupted from my mouth as The Feeling of water going down my throat as I just stayed there on the floor, Then a sudden clod washed over my body. I laid there convulsing as A blue light clouded my vision, The last thing I saw Was Alex's Hand Holding Mine Before everything went black.

DaveXAshley here Anyway Here's the new chappy 

Now for The question today 

Favorite  Movie genre

Mine is Romance, Fantasy and Action


Stay Tuned for the Next Chappy Soon

Zeal's Aesthetic at top

Zeal Soul Star - If the music is Good, You Dance



{ D/C ] The Element Keepers [ Rewritten ]Where stories live. Discover now