Shadows Part 1

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Sighing as I plopped down on my bed, My mind relived the week's events. Getting Powers, Detention, Hospital.

" Why, Me?" I ask Looking at my ceiling, " Out of everyone in the school. In this Town, Why choose an outcast like me?"

My phone vibrated, I picked it up seeing it was Alex, A small blush was on my cheeks

Dave: Hey Alex!

Alex: Hey Dave, I know it's late

Dave: What is it< Also, I can't sleep

Alex: Good To know I didn't wake up.

Dave: So What do you want?

Alex: Heh, Funny You should ask, That, Well The person I Like is in your friend group.

Dave: ooh

Dave: uhm Do i know them?

Alex: Yesh dummy You know them a little too well

Dave: Is it May?

Alex: No

Dave: Uhm, Alex my phone is gonna die

Alex: Night Davie, Love you.

I shut off my phone, Blushing at Alex's Message, He can't really mean that right?. He teases me a lot But this is too much right. Suddenly I started to cry. My ring glowed a bright then it stopped.

A few moments later I heard rain falling hard I looked out my window seeing the rain that fell, with a smile on my face I slowly crept out running around in the rain shirtless.

I stood under the downpour smiling " This is amazing" I say, suddenly my front door opened and I saw Angel holding a shoe. She looked Mad.

" Oh Hey Cuz", I say Her hair was a mess, she then threw it hitting me in the head.

" Go To Bed Dave!" She yelled reentering the house scowling at me, I laughed running back inside, I dried off before going back into my bed.

***The Next Week***

I walked into school a smile on my face, it was the start of the new term.

That meant New classmates, Which Also meant trouble I ran past some people i knew. 

Entering My new class I sat in the third row of the class, Taking out a blue book, I began to write, A few minutes later I heard footsteps.

"Hey, Is This Seat Taken?" A Black haired boy, with navy green eyes. My Breath Hitched and Stared at him for a while 
"N-No, It's Not, " I Say a small smile on my face.

The class was silent and I could feel my cheeks burning as he looked at me,"So what's your name?' I ask the new boy he chuckles a bit his red bag on his lap , "It's Jax, Jax Baxter" he says , I smiled

"My name is Dave, Dave Santiago and if you ever need a friend , I'm here for you" I say with my usual goofy smile

"Good , thanks " He replies smiling he sat down and started to fiddle with his pen. I looked down at my book. "So what's your favorite color?"  I ask him without looking up. 

 "Blue" he responds

'Mine's blue as well, So do you want me to show you around school at lunch?" Ii ask , Wait a minute this doesn't sound like me at all!

"Yeah , Sure , i'd like that" he says, A small smile on his face. I blushed and looked away from him, and i deceided to check up on Alex. 

Dave: Hey Al?

Alex: What is it Dave?

Dave: Nothing Just want to know if your okay.

Alex: Why didnt you ask before class??

Dave: Why are you being so rude?

Alex: because you are annoying me!

Dave: F-fine be that way!

Alex: Sorry Dave, Can we hang out at Lunch?

Dave: Cant I'm showing the new boy around school

Alex: Fine, chose him over me, I hate you Dave GOOD BYE!

Breaking the connection, I then hung my head low waiting for lunchtime to start.


Five dreadful sessions of class later

I sat at my desk waiting for Something to happen. Suddenly I heard Screams, running outside i saw one thing that scared me. There were 5 shadow-like beings standing in the center of the school. After realizing everyone was gone, I transformed and ran out towards them. Seeing that my teammates were already there, Our hairs had our elemental colors, and masks were on our eyes as we already had our weapons out. 

"Who are you!" I ask pointing my weapon at them, The one before me took a step forward, It slowly formed out into a shape. It was. Me... 

"T-That's impossible!, You cant be Me" I yelled. I saw that the other four did the same taking the forms of my teammates only darker, scarier, and meaner. 

"Well Well Well, Let's get acquainted shall we Aqua?" The dark blue-haired boy smirked at me and i knew the only thing going through mine and my teammates' minds. '

How the fuck did this happen

New chappy, Stay tuned for more updates as i TRY to make them make sense thank you again, and bye bye

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