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Still Dave's P.O.V.

My eyes stung as the light monumentally blinded me, I looked up To see All White " God, Did I die?" I turned my head to see Alex in the same room as me across from The both of us were Zeal, Devin, and May.

I slowly sat up from the white bed, I was stationed in, I checked the door to see that no one was standing near it "Great So I'm In a Hospital What happened?" I ask myself, Memories oof what happened before came crashing in my head. I rubbed my temples, it stopped the pain but my head was still spinning, Slowly I stretched my hand out to get the cup of water, But to my surprise, I saw the water levitating from the cup.

The ball of water floated around, I was shocked, but also excited at the same time. I maneuvered the ball of water Around the room, Turning it into different shapes and objects.

Thinking deeply I made the waterball split into 5 different spheres, I levitated one over each of my friends, I smirked before releasing it on them, I watched as The balls of water crashed down on their faces., They all Jumped up spluttering, and chocking, I stifled my laughter and they all glared at me.

"Dave What the fuck? " Alex yelled, At me, my laughter stopped and It turned into a glare

"What Alex?" I ask, in a , monotone voice,.

"What's wrong with you?" He yelled at me, Growling, I sat up straight, Suddenly feeling Angry

"It's not my fault!" I yelled, He then gripped his bed as his hands began to smoke, He then pointed at me, a tendril of a flame erupted from his finger, missing my face by an inch.

He stared at his hands, and then he looked at me, I saw an ounce of fear in his eyes

"D-Dave, i-i'm so Sorry," he says, I sighed pulling out the Iv from my arm, I walked over to him giving him a hug "It's okay," I say I kissed his forehead and he glowed blue, The Iv slipped from his arm and Smiling as he Hugged me tighter.

I smiled as he began to get a tad bit heated, His body was warmer than normal but he seemed to cancel out my now cold body.

"Hey Not to sound, Bitchy but uhm What the fuck just happened?" Zeal asks, Trying to hide his disdain for Alex.

"Don't know, Don't care" Alex said Still hugging me

"You really like cuddles don't you?" I ask Alex nodded and softly bit my neck.

I moaned softly but slapped his bicep and tried moving BUt he pulled me back, Zeal was growling soon He started to snarl, suddenly A purple mist escaped his hands and targeted Alex, Who then made a wall of flames. The mist evaporated and Zeal groaned, as he started to hum a soft tune, Alex fell, Holding his ears.

My heart constricted, as I watched Alex in pain, But something inside of me kinda snapped I sent a tendril of ice aiming at Zeal, it missed him by  a good 1 inch, he was pale as he stared at me 

"well we have powers," I say, Smiling Alex, beckoned me to come closer as I sat next to him he hugged me again 

"NO!, We are just seeing illusions we do not have superpowers!" May yelled, Devin agreed with her and I help Alex stand up.

"Hey, You okay?" I ask him, his face held a faint redness, but he nodded all the same. I hugged him again, He stiffened a bit but melted into my embrace.

"Your Hot You know that?" I say, I felt his body heat rise, and I could tell he was blushing.

"T-Thanks," he said hiding his face into my back.

"Can we calm down and talk about our powers ?" Alex asks I nodded as I went back between his legs and sat.

" We do Not Have superpowers," Devin said, his voice deep and threatening. he was glaring at Alex, Before I could say anything I was cut off, By may screaming I looked at her to see vines encircling her wrists and the room began to shake.

 "Calm down May, Calm down," I say, She looked up at me eyes frantic, soon her breathing calmed down and I sat back next to Alex. We seemed to regain our body heat but he still wanted to Cuddle.

"I can't believe it T-this can't be real, I-it has to be a dream" May mumbled as she looked down in her lap.

"Oh But You should," A sweet melodic voice says " After all I gave them To You, So I'd appreciate if you were a bit more grateful" 

"Who are you ?" Devin asks gruffly, turning around but he shielded his eyes from the bright Golden/Yellow  Light. I could barely make out the silhouette of a woman, in her early twenties. She smiled at us before engulfing us into a ball of light.

"W-Who are You?' I ask, The woman smiled yet again before she replied turning away from us 

"Call me Mom," 

Hello My Dear Readers, Hope you like this chapter 




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Question of the day is

Favorite fruit or Vegetable?

Fruit - Banana

Vegetable- Don't have one 

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