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The next few days I spent them locked in his bedroom crying, "y/n there's food downstairs, come we don't want you getting sick," I hear Ten say worriedly. Jaehwan had been taken care of by Apink and the other NCT members. 

That day someone had told him that I was in there in that fire, he ran in there trying to save me but he never came out. His body wasn't found either, Yuta had sent a team to try and find them but it was no use.  

I walk towards his things crying even harder, "Jae I love you," I choke out looking at his picture. The funeral was already held but I never went, Jungwoo had also disappeared. Renjun had said someone had found out of our plan and decided to get rid of them. Along with the fire as it was said someone started it on purpose. 

The door opens, Eunji walks in with a tray of food and sits down next to me on the floor, "you need to eat and be healthy for Jaehwan he still needs you," she says holding back her tears. She hugs me tightly as well as giving me a spoonful of rice. "Johnny is on the case so rest," she says. 

Bomi walks in holding Jaehwan in her arms, "he misses you, we all do. She says sitting on the other side of me hugging both of us. I smile finally feeling at ease, Eunji caresses my head as we all close our eyes to sleep. 
I hear the rest of the girls walk in and cuddle around us, "we love you y/n" I hear Chorong say before I drift to sleep. 

No one's POV

"Taeyong I can't stand seeing her so hurt," Jeno tells the boss who looks up at him feeling sorry. "Me too but he told us not to tell her," he replies feeling even more guilty.  What they didn't think was that she was going to take it so hard. They too knew it was hard for him to leave his family.



After Apink had talked to me about being there for Jaehwan as he was even more affected about his death although he didn't quite understand as days passed he started to wonder where his father was.  

When I make my way to the living room where the boys were, "y/n you feeling okay?" Kun says getting up to get me something to eat, "you look pale," Winwin says feeling concerned. I smile weakly at his nodding, "just trying to feel better," I say following Kun and Eunji who said she will not leave me alone if I didn't eat something. They all nod looking back at the TV, their work was put on hold since most of the members suffered injuries. 

I sat in the living room with the boys who were watching the news, that's all they've watched in hopes that they will find clues about what happened. They might be even more sadder than me but don't want to show it. 

Jaehwan sits my lap caressing my face, "mama where's dada," he asks making me burst into tears hugging him tightly. Taeyong lightly pats my back telling everyone else to leave the room.  

"y/n don't cry, Jaehyun all he ever wanted was for you to be happy and smile," he softly says. 
"isn't that why he fell in love watching you smile," he says handing me a closed box. I wipe my tears and open it to reveal a diamond wedding ring. 

I look up at him in shock, he doesn't say anything but slides the ring into my finger, "Jaehyun took his time making sure it was perfect for the love of his life," he says. Jaehwan looks at the ring recognizing it "dada bought this for mama," he says making me chuckle. 

Soon the other walk in, Hayoung tackles me and Jaehwan in a hug, "don't cry I hate it," she says kissing our cheeks. 

In the news a familiar face shows up, "breaking news Mr. Nam CEO of the Ji group has just been arrested for taking illegal bribes," everyone starts clapping and celebrating. Jae if you were here with us. 

"He was responsible for the explosion of the NCT group, we have yet to hear from his daughter who will automatically be CEO," the news sources say. 


We were called to do an interview since our company name was surrounded by negative rumors, "Noona we will be over there," Chenle says pointing to where Jaehwan and the other NCT members are. I nod and take the stage. 

"To start things off everyone who worked for my father is dismissed, and to pay back for the damage on NCT we will merge our companies, and my head office will be ran by Apink," I say announcing the future plan for the Ji group. 

"Will you contact your father?" a reporter asks. I shake my head "no, he was responsible for killing my husband and putting my son in danger," I say as reporters continue to ask questions. "how did he try and harm your son?"  

"Well not long I was kidnapped by his men and they tried to take my son away from us in hopes that he will continue this illegal bribe," I say revealing everything to the public. 


Now that father was out of the picture everything was good in the world, yet why did I feel so empty.

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