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My heart dropped, she was here in front of me after all these years she finally showed herself in front of me. "Mother I-" I say with tears streaming down my face. She smiles at me wiping my tears away from my face, "sorry I couldn't take you with me," she says wanting to cry. 
"Mama don't be sad," Jaehwan tugs on my shirt. I smile and nod at him showing him that i'm not crying so he won't be sad. 

Mother looks at him, then at everyone in the room once her eyes land on Jaehyun she smiles and nods picking Jaehwan up kissing him on the cheeks. Though Jaehwan didn't know her that well he still kissed her back. 

"Honey do this it's the only way to take back your father's company," she says.  "That man threatened to kill you if I didn't leave your life," she stops and gulps. "now that I came back your life is in grave danger," she says. I shake my head wiping away her tears, I resented her for leaving me behind, but she had her own reasons. 

"Miss Kim, don't worry she is safe," Johnny says trying to reassure her, she nods looking fown at Jaehwan, "my has he grown up to be such a big boy," Jaehwan nods at her. 


I look at myself in the mirror, the dress I was wearing was long and blue, my bracelets were lasers just in case someone attacked us. I didn't want to do this but for the sake of how much my mother suffered because of that man. 
Lucas walks in holding a second gun in his hand, "you can put this in your purse," he says handing the gun to me. 

Everyone meets down stairs, Taeyong and Jaehyun both wait at the end of the stairs for me. He looks handsome like the first day I met him. Taeyong takes my hand and puts a ring around it. "We need to act as if we are engaged," he says leaving to his car. 

Jaehyun walks over to me, "scared?" he asks, I nod looking at my mother playing with Jaehwan. "he's all I have," I say. He nods taking my arm leading me to Taeyong's car, "I won't let anything happen to you," he looks at me deep in the eyes. My heart starts beating faster, I promised myself I wasn't going to fall for him again. 

Now it's just me and Taeyong sitting in the car, "when are you going to tell him," he says looking out the window. He knows about us? "what." I say acting like I don't know. 

"jaehyun he's the father of the kid right?" I look at him in shock, "how do you-" he interrupts me, "You didn't think I wouldn't do a background check on you and the kid," he says smiling. "and he looks a lot like Jaehyun you should tell him the boys are starting to get suspicions," he says trying to get me to tell him the truth. 

"You won't get mad." I say while he nods, "he's like a brother to me I want him to be happy," he says. Wow this guy is the same one who once held me with a gun to my head. 

We arrive to my company, a lot of rich influencers are walking in, "Mark made a list of everyone, put on the glasses we gave you to see their background," Taeyong says. I nod taking his hand so we can pretend we are getting married. 

Everyone's eyes land on me, since of course I am his daughter. "Miss y/n who is this," a business partner asks. I smile at her "this is my fiance Lee Taeyong," I say while she nods leading us inside the building. 

Yuta, Jeno, Haechan and Jungwoo are posing as our body guards while the rest of the boys are sneaking in to get the information. Father's eyes landed on me, he smiled but I can tell he was not pleased. 

I walked over to him and his partners, "hello i am his daughter," I say introducing myself. They nod while father asks them to excuse themselves. he was not happy not one bit. "taeyong we made a deal," he whispers to him while he scoffs laughing at him. 

"Yes we did yet you never gave us the money for helping your company," he glares at him, "You thought selling your daughter to me was it," he states. I look down feeling sad, of course he was going to do that to save his money. 

Father starts smirking at us, "I hired another group to take you guys out, there's a bomb in this very building," Taeyong looks at him wanting to punch the living hell out of him. "Now if you don't want these people dying I suggest you leave," he warns us. "and leave y/n here since you don't want her," he says. Yuta walks over to us, "we found the documents," I hear him whisper too Taeyong.  

Taeyong lets go of my hand and walks away leaving me with father like he had planned. There's silence between us until he breaks it "dear y/n did he hurt you where's Jaehwan?" he asks acting like everything is ok. "he is at the house," his eyes widen in shock. "y-you left him in that monster's house!!," he says yelling causing everyone to look at us.  

He looks over at a group of young men standing there having watched us the entire time, they start walking over to us, "take her if she tries anything kill her," the boys nod pulling me away from the crowd. 

I look up at the stairs and make eye contact with Renjun whose been keeping watch on things. "Let go of me!" I yell trying to fight off their grip, instead he makes it tighter. The lights suddenly go out, there's a gun sound. 

Everyone goes down including those boys, letting go of his grip I run to the stairs to make my way to the CEO's office. The only people that can get in have to have the family name Ji along with a fingerprint. 

"HEY STOP HER!!" I hear father yell to bring more back up, Doyoung and Chenle had been waiting for me, "take the gun out," Doyoung says running next to me I nod and take it out for him to load with bullets. 

We arrive to the office all of NCT is there except for Taeyong and Taeil, who went to disarm the bomb. I open the pass key and enter Ji and along with my finger prints. It's not working I say while they start getting impatient. He probably changed it when I moved out of the house, maybe it's not Ji anymore "what's his real last name?" I ask. 

"umm I think it's Nam,"  Jaehyun quickly responds, "guys get out of here," Jisung states since the guards were coming after us. The doors open, Jaehyun and I quickly get in there and close the door. People start banging on it and shooting it, I look at the computer there's flash drive it. We quickly take it just in time when father busts the door open. 

Jaehyun tightly holds my hand, we were surrounded my men with heavy guns, the only way out was through the window. "y/n trust me on this one," he slowly says walking towards the window. He must be crazy to think that we can survive a 5 story jump, he pulls me close to his chest and breaks through the window.

All I hear is father yelling and freaking out, my heart is beating fast. he said to trust him. Our fall is stopped by Taeyong who is holding Jaehyun's legs on the floor below us. Jaehyun pulls me toward the window so Jaemin and Johnny can get a good grip on me, while Taeyong pulls him inside. 

"So is everyone good?" Mark breaks the silence as we continue walking out of the building. Bullets start to fire, we kneel down while they start shooting back. Yuta gets shot on his arm, he falls back wincing in pain, I crawl over to him holding him up so he won't pass out. 

Car engines roar outside, "WAYV is here!" Jeno says looking out of the window. "I thought they were in China," I say. "We said that so the Ji company group will think that," Haechan explains. 

Yuta can't walk fast enough to the car, "ok guys Jungwoo and Renjun help y/n take Yuta to the cars the rest of us will back you up," Taeyong says reloading his guns. Everyone nods running off, we start for the cars Xiaojun is ready for us. 

"Go and erase the cameras," Kun yells out to Yangyang who was busy working on the computer to erase the trace that we had come in.


We make it home, I run inside to greet my baby, he smiles at me greeting me with a drawing. It was me him and a man. "honey who is this?" I ask looking at his drawing distracting him while NCT brought in their weapons and an injured Yuta. 

He smiles at the picture, "nana said this is ahjussi," he says pointing at Jaehyun.




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