Learning to Let Go

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Three hours later

Katerina's POV

Hope had fallen asleep in a chair and I had wrapped her in a blanket. I was still sitting beside Colby holding his hand while looking at him when suddenly his eyes slowly opened." Well hello there sleeping beauty." I teased.

"Are you and Hope okay?!" Colby asked in a panicked tone as he sat up and looked around not realizing where he was for a moment.

"We're both fine thanks to you, Colby. Now please lay back down and take it easy. You hit your head pretty hard against that wall. But you were lucky, the nurse said you'll just have a major headache for a few days along with some nausea but nothing too serious." I said and Colby slowly nodded while laying back down, seeming much calmer.

"We need to talk, Savannah." Colby suddenly said after a few moments of quite had passed. I could tell he was hesitant to bring up whatever he wanted to talk about.

"About what?" I asked curiously.

Colby's POV

It took a few minutes but it was all coming back to me. Myself and Savannah were out on the balcony then we ran inside to find two robbers. I had sent Savannah away to check on Hope and call security. During that time, the men threw me head first into the wall causing me to become lightheaded when Savannah entered the room again. I wanted to scream for her to run but nothing came out.

Much to my surprise however, I saw Savannah tackle one of the men. The last thing I saw before blacking out was Savannah pointing a knife to one of the men's throats. There was definitely more to this girl than she was letting on and I needed answers.

"About you. We need to talk about you." I replied looking at her and she immediately looked uncomfortable as she hated talking about herself. Up until now I respected that and never forced her to open up but I needed answers.

"What about me?" She asked raising an eyebrow but was avoiding eye contact now.

"Before I blacked out I saw you not only tackle someone twice your size but also put a knife to someone's throat Savannah." I said trying to read her body language but instead of her getting tenser, she actually relaxed.

"Babe, I think you just hit your head a little too hard. I mean come on those two men tossed you around like nothing and you're a professional wrestler. You really think little ole me could not only tackle one of them but point a knife at them?" She asked now making eye contact with me which made me question if I really saw what I saw or if I had been hallucinating. However I decided to continue pressing her hoping to get the truth.

"Savannah, I know what I saw. I very rarely ask you to open up about anything but I need you to be honest with me." I said taking her hand and looking in her eyes. I could see the hesitation in her eyes, she was thinking about telling me truth I knew it.

"Fine on one condition." She responded.

"Hm?" I asked surprised she was actually going to tell me the truth.

"That you don't ask any questions after this story." She replied which I thought was an odd request but I nodded. Anything to get to the bottom of this.

"What you saw was real. When I was twelve I had a stalker so my father enrolled me in every self defense class he could think of. I'm a second degree black belt in karate, judo and I'm quite proficient in MMA. That's how I was able to take down those men with ease. I was trained to protect myself from men bigger and stronger than me." She replied looking at me. Her story added up. I mean if she had all that fighting background she'd be able to hold her own until security came."And before you ask, I never told you I had a fighting background because most guys are intimidated by it and run off. They can't handle a girl who could kick their ass. Also yes that's why I pretended to be afraid of Leighla and Saraya. I could've taken them but I didn't want to actually hurt them." She added.

"Well those other guys are idiots. If anything I think that makes you badass." I responded." Although I still don't think you can kick my ass." I teased causing her to laugh.

"Sure babe, I'll keep letting you think that. Now how are you feeling?" She asked concerned.

"I'm feeling fine beautiful, I have a horrible migraine but looking at your beautiful face is definitely helping me." I said pulling her closer to me so I could kiss her lovingly and she immediately kissed back.

"How about we get you to the hotel so you can rest and Hope can sleep in an actual bed?" She suggested as I looked over at Hope who was curled in a ball sucking on her thumb.

"Sounds good babes. How long has she been out?" I asked as I hit the button so a nurse would come.

"About an hour, she tried to stay up as long as she could to make sure you were alright." She said and I couldn't help but smile. That sounded like my Hope, alright.

Katerina's POV

I'm glad Colby bought my story, truth be told it was partially true although I started my training as soon as I could walk but he didn't need to know that. Once the nurse came, I helped Colby fill out his release paperwork since it was all in Japanese.

Once he filled out the paperwork I scooped up Hope carefully making sure not to wake her up. I didn't want Colby holding her considering all he just went through. Once outside I hailed a taxi and gave them the hotel address, Colby held my hand once we got inside the taxi and snuggled into me as I held Hope on my lap.

But him holding my hand didn't feel the same anymore, it didn't give me the warmth it once did. I think the reason being was I knew I'd have to leave him soon and so I was trying to cut myself off from him little by little. In that moment I decided after this trip of ours in Japan, I'd run off. I probably should leave tonight truth be told. However I couldn't leave him just yet. I hated to admit it but I'd gotten use to Colby and I stupidly allowed myself to get attached to him after promising myself I wouldn't.

"You okay, Savannah?" Colby asked once we arrived at the hotel and got out of the taxi.

"Yeah, it's just been a long day is all." I said which was true. We walked inside and I laid Hope in her bed then tucked her in." What I wouldn't do to be able to have one of you, to be allowed to have a child and live a simple life." I said softly looking at Hope then kissed her forehead before walking out of her room and heading to the master bedroom where Colby was laying in bed already naked.

I took off my clothes then joined him in bed, then closed my eyes just wanting this day to be over. However I suddenly felt Colby kissing down my neck and playing with my clit. I bit my bottom lip and squirmed slightly but I just wasn't in the mood. I knew I'd be leaving Colby soon and all this just didn't feel right anymore. It wasn't right to him.

"I'm uh not really in the mood right now Colby, I'm sorry." I said softly and he immediately stopped.

"Oh I'm uh sorry." He said meekly." Everything alright?" He asked for what felt like the millionth fucking time.

"Yeah just tired. Goodnight." I said closing my eyes again and mentally sighed. Now I realized why they taught us not to feel in the mafia. Feelings fucking sucked, I just wanted to turn it all off. I suddenly felt Colby pull me close and hold me then kiss my forehead as he thought I was already asleep.

"Goodnight beautiful, sweetest dreams." He said softly. I had a feeling I wouldn't be sleeping at all tonight though.

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