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Two months later

Katerina's POV

It had been two months since Colby had left Russia and returned the states. It had been two months since I had seen him. I had promised myself I would go see him once a month but something always came up that was out of my control.

I was looking for a shirt in my closet when I came across the shirt Colby had given me all those months ago. The shirt I held onto through all those months of torture. The one thing that gave me hope in my darkest moments. I sighed heavily and hung the shirt back up before grabbing a red button up blouse and pairing it with my black skinny jeans. Just as I finished getting dressed there was a knock at my bedroom door.

"Come in." I said as I began to straighten my hair and one of my commanding officers entered my room.

"Moya koroleva, mister Popov, zdes', chtoby uvidet' vy." He stated telling me Mr.Popov was here to see me which was odd as I usually only saw him on my birthday.

"Skazhi yemu, chto ya skoro priyedu." I responded telling him to tell Mr.Popov I would be down shortly. He bowed to me then walked off to deliver my message to Mr.Popov. I finished straightening my hair then put on my red heels before heading downstairs and into the living room where Mr.Popov was sitting and waiting for me.

As soon as he saw me, he stood up as a sign of respect."Cosa devo il piacere Mr.Popov." I asked Mr.Popov what do I owe the pleasure of his visit as we both sat down on the couch. I snapped my fingers and my cooks served us both tea and set a tray of Russian pastries in front of us as it was impolite not to feed your guests.

"Ero nel quartiere e ho pensato di controllarti." Mr.Popov replied saying he was in the neighborhood conducting business and decided to check on me considering the circumstances of our last visit.

"È molto gentile da parte tua. Sto bene.." I replied saying that was generous of him and I was doing well. I then took a sip of my tea.

"Sono felice di sapere che. Come sta il tuo ragazzo?" Mr.Popov asked how my boyfriend was doing and I hesitated before responding."Se n'è andato non è lei." He added saying Colby was gone wasn't he and I nodded. He patted my back in a comforting way and I sighed heavily.

"Tale è la vita in questa linea di lavoro." I replied softly saying such is life in our line of work, huh.

"È stata l'unica ragione per cui non sei andato?" Mr.Popov asked if the only reason I didn't go with Colby was because of having to take care of Russia and I nodded.

"Go Katerina." Mr.Popov said looking at me speaking English which was rare for him.

"You know I can't." I responded as I thought if anyone would understand he would.

"You can if you merge your mafia with mine and tell your men to respect me as their leader." Mr.Popov reasoned.

"You'd be willing to do that? To oversee Italy and Russia? I can't have my people dying because of a mistake I made." I said looking at him cautiously, knowing it was a lot to take on.

"I promise you Katerina. I will not let you or your people down. As long as you promise to go live your life. You're far to young for this, you have so much life to live. And at any point you want to return, I'll hand over the reigns to your mafia no questions asked." He said.

"Thank you so much, I promise I will do just that." I said as for the first time in two months I felt hopeful.

"Now go to him, Katerina." He said with a smile and I smiled back and immediately left the house and got in my car to head to my private jet. I didn't pack any clothes, grab any photos or grab any memories because I was leaving that life behind. I was leaving and I was never coming back. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

While in the car I began to look up where WWE would be performing at today. Thankfully finding Colby was very simple, he was in Las Vegas. I drove to the lot my plane was held in then told the pilot where were heading and off we went.

Colby's POV

Another day, another match. That's what life has felt like since I left Katerina in Russia. I didn't find joy in anything anymore even wrestling. I was just going through the motions of life.

"Great match Seth." Andrade said giving me a pat on the back.

"Thanks man but the credit goes to you, you definitely carried the match." I said which was true, the match only looked good due to his effort tonight considering I was putting in the bare minimum not purposely but it's all I had the strength to do.

"Thanks man it means a lot. Hey a couple of us guys are going out to drink tonight, I know you don't drink but it'll still be a fun time." Andrade offered.

"Thanks for the invite man but I think I'm just gonna go to the hotel and get some sleep I'm not feeling well." I said which was actually true considering mentally I just wasn't there.

"No problem, hope you feel better." Andrade said then walked off and I walked over to my lockeroom.

I walked inside and I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. As soon I entered my lockeroom I saw a blonde hair and blue eye beauty laying on my couch. It couldn't be, could it? Was I actually imaging Katerina in my lockeroom.

"You just going to stand there or are you going to kiss me?" Katerina asked softly laughing as she sat up and motioned me over.

"Is that really you?" I asked shocked still frozen in place.

"In the flesh." She responded as she got impatient, and stood up then walked over to me and kissed me passionately. I immediately kissed her back passionately while wrapping my arms around her as tight as I could. I was so happy she finally came to visit.

"You took your sweet time visiting me, beautiful." I said giving her ass a playful smack.

"Well I'm not here to visit you." She said and I looked at her confused.

"Huh?" I said completely puzzled.

"Well uh if the offer still stands.." She began to say.

"Are you serious?! You're staying in America with me?!" I said practically screaming with excitement causing her to smile warmly.

"That's the plan, if you still want me of course." She said with an innocent smile.

"If I want you? Of course I'll have you. All I want is you. I love you so fucking much Katerina." He said." You're still going by Katerina right?" He teased and I laughed.

"Yes I'm still Katerina, Colby. I love you so much and I'm so sorry for not leaving with you when I had the chance." She said with a soft sigh and I could see the regret in her eyes.

"All that matters is you're here with me now, we have the rest of our lives together to make up for lost time. Starting now." He said as he pinned me to the couch and kissed me loving and passionately while his hands were roaming my body.

This is the life I deserved. This was truly living. Fuck the mafia, I was finally going to focus on me and my relationship with Colby.

I finally was going to the live the life I wanted.

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