Keeping it Casual

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Katerina's POV

After waking up from my nap, I got out of bed and began looking through the few articles of clothes I owned. What does one wear to a one night stand, after all it wasn't like our clothes would be on for long anyways. Yet here I was contemplating on what outfit to wear.

I decided to wear a black lace bra and thong, since that's what I'd be teasing him in tonight. Then I put on a black crop top and dark blue skinny jeans. Once I finished getting dressed, I walked to the bathroom and straightened my hair. I couldn't help but softly sigh at my reflection in the mirror, I missed my blonde hair. I missed being me but that was a luxury I could no longer afford. Once I finished straightening my hair, I popped in my color changing eye contacts saying goodbye to my baby blues and hello to my brown eyes. My finishing touch was putting a bandaid to on my wrist tattoo to cover it up, usually I put jewelry there but there was always a chance it could come off during sex so.

I picked up my phone and texted Colby I'm on my way then slipped on my black heels and began to walk to the address he had given me.  As usual, I was on high alert as I walked the semi barren streets of Davenport. Then again I was on high alert 24/7, the moment I wasn't would be the moment I could be killed.

After about a fifteen minute walk, I had arrived at the address Colby had given me. I walked up to the door and rang the door bell, then surveyed the house as I waited. It was pretty modest looking which surprised me considering he was a professional wrestler, then again a mansion would look quite out of place in a town like this. About a minute passed before Colby came to the door, opening it then smiled at me." Hey there beautiful, come on in. Sorry for the wait, I was taking my dog Kevin outside." He said and as if on cue, Kevin came running over to me excitedly once I stepped inside.

"Well aren't you the cutest." I said squatting down to pet Kevin who wagged his tail excitedly.

"I know I am." Colby said with a playful smirk." Although I prefer the term handsome or sexy." He teased.

"I was talking to Kevin but you're quite cute too." I teased standing up and kissing him firmly and passionately, which he immediately returned while pinning me against the wall causing our bodies to be completely pressed against each other.

"You don't waste any time huh?" I teased with a slight smirk.

"If that was true I'd have you in bed already, love." Colby responded then began to kiss down my neck slowly causing me to bite my bottom lip in a seductive manner. He then found my sweet spot and began to suck on it leaving a hickey which I found sexy, I love being marked up. He then slowly stopped and kissed my lips once more before unpinning me.

"Well before we get to dessert, why don't we start with dinner." Colby said with a soft smile.

"Wait if I told you I prefer dessert first." I said innocently.

"Then I'd tell you all good things are worth waiting for beautiful." He replied.

"Well then I suppose we can have dinner first, if dessert is going to be that good." I replied as Colby led me to his kitchen. Once we walked in the kitchen it was dark, the table was lit with candles and there was two plates of chicken Alfredo along with salad. Colby pulled out my chair and I sat down, then he pushed it in.

"What a gentleman." I teased with a soft smile." This is beautiful, Colby." I added as I wasn't used to this. The few men I had dated in my life or even just slept with were all for my family business. So this was all very new to me.

"Not as beautiful as you, Savannah." He responded as he sat down and pulled me a glass of wine but I noticed he didn't pour one for himself.

"Don't drink?" I asked curiously as I took a sip of wine.

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