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WARNING ⚠️ This chapter is gory and may be disturbing to some readers.⚠️

Katerina's POV

"So what's your next move, child?" Dimitri asked as Nicklaus busted through the door and joined everyone else in pointing a gun at me. Which honestly wasn't necessary considering I had multiple guns already pointed at me.

"Let's make a deal." I said with a smirk as I suddenly got a brilliant idea. Well hopefully it was brilliant."After all neither of us win if we're both dead correct?" I said logically.

"I'm listening. Out with it child." Dimitri snapped as clearly he didn't enjoy negotiating with me but he did value his life.

"You know I really can't think with all these guns on me, one is more than sufficient don't you think?" I asked innocently.

"Opusti oruzhiye." Dimitri said telling his men to stop pointing their guns at me besides Nicklaus." Happy?" He asked sarcastically causing me to dig my knife further into the flesh wound on his arm, causing him to wince slightly in pain. It was a nice sight to see.

"Extremely, see there's no reason we can't talk about this like two civilized adults." I said taking a seat on the table, my gun staying pointed at him the entire time. He knew I'd shoot him far faster than Nicklaus could shoot me, after all he was on the one who trained me in handguns. But he was regretting that now.

"Are you going to layout your deal at any point today or are just all going to sit here for a month and stare at one another?" Dimitri asked rolling his eyes and honestly I was enjoying annoying him. It's the simple things.

"Let me kill Nicklaus and I'll do what you've asked since day 1." I offered and Dimitri seemed genuinely shocked at this offer, where as Nicklaus laughed.

"You're offering yourself in marriage in exchange for nicklaus's life?" Dimitri repeated making sure he heard correctly.

"That's correct. I'll marry you and we'll rule the Russian mafia. All I ask is to be able to kill the man who's made my life a living hell these past months." I said calmly." After all, it's no loss to you. You'll have no use for him after we're married. This way we both get what we want." I said and could see Dimitri thinking.

"Stupid girl. Dimitri isn't stupid enough to accept this deal after all I've done for him." Nicklaus said thinking far to much of himself.

"All you've done for him? Your one singular task was to break me enough that I'd marry him and you couldn't even accomplish that." I said with a shrug.

"She does have a point." Dimitri admitted." You have yet to truly prove your worth. You didn't even manage to stop the American from escaping." He added and suddenly Nicklaus's confidence faded.

"But sir, he's tracked. I wanted to make sure you didn't need any help." Nicklaus said quickly pleading his case.

"Let me slit his throat and watch him bleed out, that's all I'm asking. Afterwards we can get married today. Otherwise your only other option is to let Nicklaus continue to torture me in the hopes he breaks me. It's been what three months now and I haven't cracked. It's only a matter of time before our allies lose patience waiting for my appearance." I said logically only stating what he already knew to be true.

"Voz'mi yego pistolet i prizhmi k Katerina." Dimitri ordered telling his men to take Nicklaus's gun and pin him to the ground for me.

The second Nicklaus heard that he took his gun off me and immediately shot two of Dimitri's men who fell to the floor with a thud. Amongst the chaos I had a golden opportunity.

"Proshchay, dyadya." I said as I pointed my handgun to Dimitri's head just as he did my father and pulled the trigger after saying farewell uncle. The sound echoed through the restaurant as Dimitri looked at me shocked before his body fell to the ground with a thud as blood flowed from his head.

Everything was silent for a moment, everyone was shocked including me. Then suddenly Nicklaus pointed his gun at me and I didn't have enough time to fully react and felt the bullet hit my shoulder causing me to lose grip on my gun and drop it as I screamed in agony then in a Hail Mary attempt I turned to the remaining men that Dimitri had as Nicklaus approached me."Dmitriy mertv. YA koroleva, i ya prikazyvayu vam razoruzhit' yego.." I commanded saying Dimitri is dead, I am the queen and you will obey. Disarm him.

"They are going to be no help to you, I'm going to enjoy making your death slow and painful." He said stepping on my bullet wound as he shot another bullet into my thigh causing me to scream once more in agony as blood gushed from the wounds. I honestly thought that was it when suddenly Dimitri's men threw Nicklaus off me and against the wall causing him to drop his gun in the process. They threw the gun over to me as they held Nicklaus to the floor.

"Kakogo cherta ty delayesh', ty rabotayesh' na menya!" Nicklaus yelled asking what the men were doing and they worked for him.

"They never worked for you. They worked for Dimitri who is now dead. You have no power which means you can't pay them. I on the other hand am the heir to the mafia and will pay them generously for their help." I said as I slowly got up, pain shooting through every inch of my body and blood pouring out of me as I walked over to Nicklaus and kneeled beside him.

"You know I was going to make your death quick but now that I think about it...that would be to generous." I said as I suddenly pulled down his pants and boxers." Only real men deserve one of these." I said tightly taking hold of his dick." Not pathetic men who take advantage of vulnerable woman and have sex with them against their will."

"Pozhaluysta, pozhaluysta, ne delay etogo." Nicklaus pleaded loudly begging me not to do what I was about to do.

"Remember when I begged you not to rape me?" I asked making the first cut on the base of his dick causing him to scream in agony.

"Remember when I begged you to stop?" I asked loudly as I began to apply more pressure cutting deep into the skin as Nicklaus's screams filled the restaurant.

"Remember when I screamed for mercy?" I said looking him in dead in the eye." And what did you say? That I asked for it. Well you asked for this!" I said as I suddenly cut off his entire dick and blood gushed out from the cut as Nicklaus scream was blood curdling.

"Shut the hell up, no one cares about you." I taunted saying the exact same words he said everytime I screamed for help. I smirked then suddenly shoved his now removed dick into his mouth causing him to shut up." Hey at least you won't choke, you aren't big enough for that." I said with a smirk.

"Hm I suppose I could end it here but I'm having so much fun. Aren't you?" I asked taunting him once more with his own words.

"pereverni yego" I commanded telling the men to flip Nicklaus over and they did, so he was now laying on his stomach and couldn't speak as he was gagged with his own dick in his mouth.

"Now you really didn't think I'd forget about you forcing me to do anal as well, did you?" I asked them suddenly took the knife and shoved it up his ass." Because I didn't. I wouldn't want you missing out on the full experience you gave me." I said sadistically as I began to thrust the knife deeply in his ass, his body was shaking from the agony and his screams could be heard from the gag. I continued this for a good minute before stopping.

"Wasn't that so much fun? I'm sure you enjoyed it as much as I did." I said as I picked up Nicklaus head forcing him to look in my eyes." Enjoy bleeding out, I'll make sure the police find you exactly like this. I'm sure it'll even make the front page. This'll be the worlds last memory of you. Goodbye Nicklaus." I said as he closed his eyes as he had already suffered to much blood loss.

As I tried to get up, my body gave out and everything turned to black. But that was okay because Colby was safe and I had finally avenged my parents death.

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