Chapter 1

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People know me as the bad girl in town. But there is a reason as to why I do the things I do.

My alarm clock goes off at 6:00a.m. and I get up to fix my dad lunch for work and then I get ready for school. I get out of the shower and I pick my clothes out. My phone starts to ring and the caller ID says its my boyfriend Ryan. We've been dating for about 2 years now and its been great.

My dad does not care who I date as long as he meets them first but that's it. I've got myself on birth control since my dad don't want to take me to get on it. My dad does not want nothing to do with me he's told me that to my face the day I got the nerve up and asked him about mom. But he just looked at me and told me to never ask about her again and that never claimed me as his daughter.

I read Ryan text and he asked me if I could pick him up for school today. I replied back and told him it would make us late since it takes 20 minutes to get to his house. He told me he didn't care and we could skip if I wanted to. But I've missed more than eight days and that's failing so I told him not today. But like always he talks me into things that I am not fond of doing.

I picked up Ryan and we get to school and he walks me to the office since we are late and we sign in and when we got to my classroom door he kissed my bye and told me he would see me at lunch. I didn't want to let him go but I knew I had to. I walked in my class and sit down and do all my work. Time goes by faster than I thought it had and its lunch time. My friend and Ryan get our lunch and we sit and talk and I start to feel sick on my stomach so I told Ryan I wanted to go home he asked if I was alright and I told him yes but I was just sick to my stomach. So he drives me home and stays with me so we watch TV and eat popcorn.

We was laying there watching a movie when I started feeling sick again, but this time I threw up almost everything I had for that day. Ryan tells me to lay down and go to sleep and he will see me tomorrow and to get to feeling better. I do it and as soon as my head hit the pillows I was out.

I was laying there on my back and I was holding something while crying. People was yelling at me and I was yelling back. I lay down the white bundle and start writing a note.

I wake up screaming and Ryan tells me I just had a bad dream and he holds me as I go back to sleep.

It all started with a fight.Where stories live. Discover now