My Mena Army Tho Pt 1

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*So Cyn and I are downstairs eating and just talking before I have to meet up with Albee to catch this flight. *

ME- Babe,I hate that I have to leave you for this gig but this gig isn't like any other gig. HER- It's ok babe. But why is this one any different from all your other ones?
ME- It's different because my MENA ARMY is throwing it for me and its three of their birthdays
HER- That's so dope babe. I bet that they are super excited!
ME-  Yes they are but I think that I'm more excited than  them.
HER- Why?
ME- Because,I know that they ride for me. Like for real ride for me. When anyone trys to come for me on some slick shit,I don't even have to respond because I know that they are right there handling it.
HER- Awwwwe! It's pretty dope to know that you have fans that rock for you like that.
ME- That is very true but I don't consider them fans though...More like family

*Erica looks at the time*

ME- Well babe,Albee will be here in a few minutes. I'm gonna go and make sure I have everything before he gets here. Are you sure that you are gonna be ok this weekend by yourself?
HER- Baby,I'll be fine. Stop worrying so much. Mary is gonna be here later on today and plus King will be here.
ME- I know babe but you are having my baby girl and I just wanna...

*Cyn gets up and stands face to face with Erica and said sternly*

HER- If you don't get up,get ready and stop worrying so damn much,you are gonna be in trouble and not the kinda trouble that will get your rocks off.

*Erica just stood there in daze and says to herself "Damn,that was some sexy shit"*


SHOOT- So Chae Chae,lets double check to make sure that we have everything.
CHAE- Ok. So fresh cherries,sweet chilli doritos,green apples,kit kat,swedish fish, Pepperidge Farm macadamia nut cookies...right?
SHOOT- Right. The only thing that is missing is the Mena Army shirt.
CHAE- Ooooh,let's get a Starbucks cup and out Tina on it! Lol
SHOOT - lol I can't stand you!!!

*Chae and Shoot got the gift basket all ready. They were waiting on Tesha Lyfe and Ridah to get back to the hotel and for Dj KkHolkywood and #HER bae to come through. Chae received a call from Ridah*

CHAE- Hello
RIDAH- Chae we are running a little late. Go call the car service and go pick up Mena and Albee from the airport. They should be landing at 4.
CHAE- I'm on it.

*Chae hung up from Ridah and told Shoot that she is about to go and pick up our girl*


*So I'm on the way to the airport to pick up Erica and Albee. Lordy! The driver is trying to make small talk but I'm not really paying attention. My focus is on him driving because we were already running a little behind schedule.

We arrive to the airport and we got there just in time. I'm waiting by the gate. In my head I'm thinking,"Where in the hell are they? I see everyone but them". I turn around and see a guy that looks kinda like Albee but I'm not to sure. We finally made eye contact and I be damn,it is Albee! I walked over there and he gave me a hug.*

ALBEE- Hey,how are you?
ME- I'm good. How are you?
ALBEE- Tired lol
ME- That sucks. Where is Erica?
ALBEE- She's in the bathroom.

*So we are waiting and I hear a very familiar voice*

ERICA- Albee,you ready?

*We walk outside and she has yet to see me...hmmmm*

ERICA- Whose picking us up?

*I look at #HER with the side-eye lol like really*

ME- Ummm,I am!
ERICA- Ah shit! Baby I'm sorry. I was so on focused getting up out of this airport. I didn't mean it. Well come here and give me a hug bitch!

*She reached over and gave me a hug*

ME- No worries...It's all good. Well,the car is right here. Ya'll ready!?

*So we are driving and Erica says that she is hungry. I looked at #HER and asked if she wanted some Waffle House? She says no because we can have that for breakfast tomorrow so lets find something else. How about Chick-fil-A!? We went and got #HER food

The car ride was very interesting. Just having a normal conversation with #HER and Albee was very refreshing. There was no TV talk just day to day stuff. You know like babies, relationships (Mine not #HERS lol) clothes and whatever else

*Fast forward to the hotel*


So all the girls are in the hotel room. We are just chilling and talking. You know doing what girls do lol. When all of a sudden,we hear a knock at the door.

CHAE- Who the hell is that!? I know it's not Ridah because I just talk to her.
TESHA- Well hell,I don't know go answer it fool lol.

Chae goes to answer the door and sees Albee. He moves to the left a little bit and Erica is right behind him!


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