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Ever dreamed of being someone you never thought you could be?

Like a singer, an actor, or just an awesome kid who is nothing but full of confidence?

What about someone who was ready for success? Dream of being around those who look up to you like you'd always wanted when you were little?

Well whoever answered yes to those questions, is in the right place because that's where I come in.

Name is Maisy Haven. The CEO and operator of Saratoga High School's very own and only service program that will train you into being popular. We go by a motto that is so catchy, even populars come to me to be even more loved by their peers.

It's sad really, but either way I always make sure to come through for whoever I'm helping.

Popularity is like a science. A way of figuring out the system in order to beat that system. Now sure, not everybody can figure that out which is why there's always those cliche high school stories of how there's your geeks, freaks, mean populars, and theatre nerds.

But that wasn't the case with me at all being the most popular girl in school.

For instance, I'm very smart and very kind and caring to everyone. I was raised that way and couldn't feel anymore prouder in that. I mean, being smart or nice isn't something to hide. It made me that much more unique. But sometimes, those other smart people that others look down on needed a little boost.

They needed me. The process was easy as 1,2,3.

If they want to impress that special someone first, I'll change their look into something unforgettable. Then, I'll make their unwanted qualities unseen to the human eye and update it to something amazing. I'll even give them all the advice they could possibly grasps to score big.

If they want to reinvent themselves or simply fit in with any popular group, bullies won't be a problem. I'll rebuild their confidence and desirable in no time.

I know, I know. That might make many feel very skeptic about the whole arrangement. In most cases, it's their biggest fear getting in the way of the process not working but that's where the best part is.

If no one is satisfied with my services and tips, they don't have to pay a dime until the very end.

So for those who ever wanted to be helped by me would no doubt say goodbye to their sad past, because I was going to have them get transformed by my business. "The Social Class."

I was now in the drama department with my drama teacher, Ms. Dylan giving her the makeover of a lifetime. She didn't need much work done. She was pretty, but she always liked to hide those qualities behind baggy dresses and outfits.

So being the instigator I always was, I wanted to help her out. For free. She needed to feel beautiful and I was going to do exactly that.

I was on the last touches and she never looked better. With a few borrowed items from the play we just finished having for the school year, there were more flattering outfit pieces that looked perfect on her.

"Okay now take this," I started to say tossing a cute hat toward her. "Put this on," grabbing a jacket. "And move this!" I continued on now fixing her hair a bit more and smiled accomplished. "Bam! Another success of my work. You look so amazing!" I finished.

"Wow Maisy, excellent work! I had no idea I could look this good." Ms. Dylan commended me.

"Not many people do Ms. Dylan. But now you've gone from sad to fab!" I exclaimed.

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