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It was the next day at school as I was walking to my locker, as Celeste and Hannah were already at their next to mine getting their things.

It was an exhausting process. I got home and instantly crashed without even eating dinner after but today was the big reveal day for them and I was completely pleased with the finished product.

Well kinda finished. I had bought them all the tools, it was up to them to accessorize and show me how they could use them.

Once I got to my locker, I smiled giddily to them both. "Hey, hey!" I shouted to them.

Celeste turned to me a bit taken aback at my mood and smirked. "Hey..." she answered a bit bewildered. "How's the nerd project going?" She asked me.

"Oh come on Celeste. They're not nerds! In fact, I think they're pretty awesome. I took them shopping yesterday and we had so much fun!" I exclaimed. Hannah happily smiled to me.

But leave it to Celeste to just stand there blankly to me. "What?" I asked her mystified.

"Maisy, you know I love you and I would tell you the truth no matter what. So I have to ask... are you sure you're not taking this whole "Social Class" thing a little too personal? I mean, you're actually having fun with those outcasts?!" She asked me.

Celeste, Celeste, Celeste. She just didn't understand.

"Have you ever thought they maybe it's because those outcasts are pretty awesome guys. Why can't you see that?" I asked her trying to make her a little more supportive.

I get this was a bet against her but still, she could show a little nice friendly competition.

"Awesome? A private jet ride to Italy's fashion week is awesome. But those freaks...are nothing but walking nightmares. This bet is as good as mine." She told me confidently.

Suddenly, I noticed everyone in the hall looking ahead of them shocked, with their jaws dropped, speechless, and whispering among themselves.

Hannah looked to where they're looking at and her eyes widened too.

"Uh Celeste, I wouldn't be too sure about that." She told her.

"Why?" She asked as Hannah turned her around to where everyone else is staring at memorized. Now Celeste was in utter shock and astonishment. "No possible way..."

I turned around and saw what the hype was about and smiled proudly.

The whole group now completely transformed from top to bottom walking confidently through the halls.

I gazed my eyes over to Caleb who looked almost completely different. Actually

New short hair, new leather jacket, and new attitude, taking his sunglasses off and running his fingers through his head. God, that boy could make a big turnaround.

Dean was now decked out with a cool fedora, vest and also swagged out to his fullest potential.

Tamaela was more approachable, wearing warm and bright colors but still look like a rock star as she confidently smiled walking down the halls.

Liliana was more fitted and confident, wearing bright colors too that set a light and girly feel to the whole look.

Girls were staring at Dean and Caleb flirtatiously. Dean winked at one of them. The one girl smiled and shyly fainted and her friends caught her quickly. She grinned lovingly to them as well.

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