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Once the next period was over, I was finally able to make it to my locker before anyone else. I had to make up a reason to leave early so what was not better than saying to my teacher, I felt my period starting. It worked like a charm.

The final release bell rang. Quickly, everyone was out and about as Celeste and Hannah walked out of the Chemistry Lab and walked up to me smiling happy and excitedly.

"Woah, woah. If it isn't the Queen of the Saratoga high school. How'd your meeting go with the drama teacher?" Celeste said to me.

"Did you go to the drama teacher?" Hannah asked.

"Yes Hannah...which is why I asked her." Celeste told her.

That was my Hannah. She was smart in many things, just had a different way of looking at them.

"Sorry." she said shyly. I giggled and nodded understandably.

"It's okay Hann. But it went rather well. I mean, she's still not giving me an extension for my paper but on the bright side her style is now perfect! I think I even got her a date with the Spanish teacher. Come on, am I good or what?" I asked them confidently.

At some moments, I thought it would be okay to toot my own horn. Celeste smirked and Hannah smiled, nodding in agreement.

"I think you're super good. You make people turn into like role models pretty much. See Celeste, if she can handle our Ms.Dylan, she can take any client. That's why I don't think we should turn people away-" Hannah began to explain.

Celeste's eyes quickly widened and looked to her. "Shut up."

I made a mystified expression but then crossed her arms. I didn't know about this! Why the heck would she turn away people?! The whole point of this business was to make people's attitude and looks turnt. I had to get to the bottom of this fast.

"Wait a sec, you've been turning my clients away Celeste?" I asked a bit annoyed.

She always did things behind my back that I would have never approved of. I trusted her but sometimes, it made me feel like I couldn't. Celeste then shyly  shrugged her shoulders.

"Well it depends on how you look at it Mais." she answered me.

"They say hi, you say bye bye, and bam! No clients. There's literally only one way to look at it. Is this why there's not many applicant that turned in their offers to me? I'm pretty sure everyone here is far from being popular. Celeste we talked about this!" I exclaimed.

"Oh come on Maisy! There's a reason why I handle the people you take on. Everyone here needs far more training than you can give them." she tried to explain to me.

Now she was questioning my whole reputation. I begged to differ. I could do whatever I put my mind to.

"I'm good at what I do!" I said.

"Yes because you do the basics! Thanks to me." She started, shaking my shoulder calmly. "Come on, I'm your best friend you can't possibly be mad that I'm doing this. If you fail Maisy, then our business will go down the drain. Literally. The flyers that I print out are just going to go in the toilets when these kids  just have at it." she finished.

Basics. That's what I was known for?! Just doing freakin' basics! No one tells Maisy Haven she's only good at basic help and care.

"That's not your decision though. Okay this was my business first. You're my co-owner remember?"

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