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I couldn't believe I had almost kissed Caleb.

What the devil was I thinking?! No romantic involvement in my clients. Better yet, no romantic involvement with my clients who I freakin' made a bet over!

But no, I had to almost screw up the one thing I had promised myself I wouldn't do. It was obvious Caleb wasn't as terrible and anti social as I thought, he was just misunderstood.

I had open up to him even about things I would never consider telling to anyone. Not even Celeste. So don't get me wrong, it was really nice and refreshing to have a conversation with a guy without them asking for my number or my bra size. Oh yeah, I've heard it all.

The thing was though...he was still Caleb. Worse, he was in love with someone else.

Wait, no! Not worse. Geez Maisy, you have to get it together. I had bigger things to ponder over. Like how these guys would even do at a social party.

But it was too late to even think about that because right now...we were at the party.

As we entered inside Hannah's house, right away I could feel the hype everyone was already on. Around me, there was nothing but kids drinking what clearly smelled like alcohol, dancing, making out, or just eating the snacks.

It was a huge turnout which was exactly what they needed. As I looked around, I could sense Caleb, Liliana, Tamalea, and Dean were definitely out of place.

"Maisy, I don't know about this...this looks like a lot of people." Caleb told me.

"Well duh. What do you expect? It's a party. Whose ever thrown one with only 3 people showing up?" I asked them mystified.

"Literally all of us." Tamalea answered.

I grabbed each of their hands, gesturing them further in. Kids from inside look at them weirdly but kept waving happily to me. This was one tough crowd to please.

"Alright guys, this is your first party! Enjoy yourselves!" I said excitedly to them all.

Just as I was about to leave, some guy walked up to me in a panic state.

"Maisy! I'm so glad you're here! My parents are texting me where I am right now?! I don't know to tell them, you have to help me please!" He told me.

I sighed and nodded. At least I could have some kind of progress tonight.

"Again Melvin?" I asked. He nodded to me. "Okay come on." I said turning back to the group. "I'll meet back up with you all I promise." I said.

The boy then dragged me away as Caleb looks at us a bit annoyed and agitated.

What was his problem?


Yes, I realized it was a bit stupid of me to look so annoyed at it all. But I couldn't help myself. After me and Maisy's moment at her house, I couldn't help but to feel some type of way.

A way I just didn't have a clue to explain. Maisy and the guy walked off, which I obviously could tell he had every way in doing what he needed to get done himself. Dean then noticed my expressions and smirked, walking up to me.

"Jealous much there bro?" He asked me. I became flushed and snapped back and looked at my friends who were teasingly laughing. They were crazy. There was no reason to be.

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