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Tonight was the night. My first date ever. My first date with Emma ever. 

Something I had been waiting for ever since I could remember.

Though I was definitely excited, I couldn't help but keep thinking of Maisy the entire day.

She was coming over in a few and even though she clearly pointed out we weren't interested in each other, it was alright to go ahead with this. Right?

I was in the living room finishing a nice dinner set up to practice with. I didn't know the first thing about dating but I saw this happen in every teen romance comedy flick out there.

I was a bit panicky trying to get things right as my Dad walked overseeing my work.

"Caleb, I'm going over the guys tonight. Football. You know the drill. So uh...please don't mind waiting up for me son. Unless you want to come, get those college guys-" he started to say.

"Actually Dad I can't." I said shyly and turned to him and smiled. "I'm having a date tonight. My first one."

He smiled happily and rushed over to me, hitting him in the shoulder proudly. 

Wow, that was all it took. In pain, I tired to stand tall, pretending to not feel it.

"That still hurts..." I muttered.

"My boy finally becoming a young man! That's amazing son! Now you don't have to spend your boring night playing dragon knights 2.0 on my TV. My light bill thanks you. So uh, where are you taking Maisy?" He asked. My eyes nearly popped out of my head.

"Uh Dad, my date is not with Maisy. It's with Emma. You know, my crush since like 4th grade." I told him.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know, it's just that I thought when I saw you and Maisy looking at each other-" he tried to explain. 

Looking at each other? That was ridiculous. She didn't want me. She couldn't, I was still me.

"What? Me and her?" I chuckled nervously. "Yeah right Dad. Maisy Haven wanting me to be her boyfriend. I'd like to see the day." I blurted out. God, why can't I keep things to myself?

My Dad knowingly raised his eyebrows toward me. I quickly shook my head. "No! I meant, I wouldn't like to see the day! Because I'm not with Maisy! I mean she would never go for me and I couldn't possibly be attracted to-" I tried to explain. The bell then rang. "Oh thank god."

I rushed to the front door, opening it as Maisy was standing there smiling innocently at me. My Dad walked up behind.

"Maisy! So glad you're here! My son was just talking about "Dragon Knights." He said.

"Exactly. Dragon of the Knights was what...we were talking about." I said staring at her longingly. 

She was literally breathtaking just standing there. I couldn't believe my eyes. Perfection wasn't a thing in the world, but she was by far a close second to it. "Dad, don't you have to go now?" He nodded and smirked.

"I'm going, I'm going. I know when I'm not wanted." he smiled.

"Bye Mr. Schaffer. It was great to see you again!" She said to him.

"Polite, pretty, and nice." He said turning to me. "I like her." I was so embarrassed. Maisy giggled and he left.

Tonight had to go well. It had to.


I was so nervous. More nervous than nervous. Me and Caleb were finally alone together, and as I was looking around the room and his amazing and beautiful set up, we were alone together romantically.

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