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It was the day of Liliana's tryout. Me and my friends were sitting on the bleachers closer to her to cheer her on. It wasn't a lot of crowd because somehow she managed to get a private audition.

She was freaking out which was natural but we just had to give her back that confidence. 

We had kept the makeover and tips, just it sucked that I didn't keep my girl. Great, I'm still calling her my girl.

"I can't do this. What was I thinking? They're not going to let me in!" Liliana shouted.

"Yes you can. Okay, if Maisy was here right now she'd tell you some confident booster pep talk and you'd get out there and master it. So Liliana...master it." Dean told me. We all stood in silence. 

Still, hearing just her name gave us, especially me a whirlwind of emotions. She was like family. She was all I had.

"She's not coming is she?" Liliana asked weakly.

"Are you kidding? Why do you want her to? Okay, the girl used us to be some stupid project for the populars." Tamalea defensively said.

"But she was still effective! I would never be here if it wasn't for her! And neither would all of you. I know you guys like yourselves more than you use to. You think that wasn't her?" She asked us.

"Yeah guys, something doesn't add up. She like really got us. She knew what we were like and still helped us in ways we can't even describe. I don't think what we heard is the full story." Dean then interjected.

"Of course it was! She said so herself she made a bet on us." Tamalea told him.

"Yeah but why?" Dean asked.

"Celeste told us why. But who in their right minds honestly believe what Celeste says anyway?" Liliana then asked. Dean looked over to me as I was pondering over everything.

"You seem to be deep in thought over there." He started. "Normally we can't get you to stop talking." He finished jokingly. I let out a small sneer.

"What if I told you guys I know why?" I said to them vaguely. They all looked me shocked and speechless. 

The caption whistle blew off as a few cheerleaders then walked up to us.

"Alright Liliana! This is your private tryout so you better make it good or we'll never forgive you for wasting our time! Clear?" The cheerleader said.

"Crystal..." answered Liliana.

She grabbed a few pom poms and began walking in the center as we all beginning to clap and cheer for her. She could do this. I know she could. Maisy knew she could.

As we continued watching her eagerly, I then saw a familiar face walking in with Hannah shyly. 

Maisy. What was she doing here? To humiliate us more probably.

She still looked so kind, gentle, and even right now...lost without a purpose. I wanted to go over to hug her, kiss her, comfort her, have her soft warm body touch mine ever so tightly, and tell her everything would be alright. Anything to make her smile again. It was useless though.

She wasn't anything to me anymore.

But I couldn't help but to lean a bit forward to overhear what she was saying. I had to. 

It was the only way to believe what we had really did mean nothing to her. 

"Come on Hann, I promised Liliana I'd be here so let's hurry and take our seats." She told her.

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