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Facing Celeste, I wasn't prepared at all as to what was going to happen.

But I knew one thing was for sure. I wasn't going to walk away from this one broken and lost. No. No more.

"You know Celeste, I've been nothing but nice to you since we were in middle school and I thought you actually wanted to be my friend." I told her spitefully.

"Oh please, Maisy you are so vapid. When are you going to get through your head, I never wanted to be friends with you? You were only my ticket to the life of popularity. I used you like you did to those freaks. And now that I have it and know what to do with it all on my own...I don't want you apart of it anymore. You know how many times I kept hearing, "Maisy's so great," "Maisy's so insightful." So yeah, right now I'm feeling pretty good." She explained evilly.

"Whatever. You knew all I wanted to do was make a difference in this school with the business. You knew my goal was to make sure no one lived the same treatment I did in my past, when no one cared about me. That's all I wanted. But no, you had to change and twist my words to make me feel guilty about doing so!" I told her.

"And now I've won and you for once Maisy have lost. You're nothing to anyone now." She icily replied.

The school began to "oooo" as I was yet again, defeated. Screw this. Screw her.

I wasn't going to stoop to her level. Not again. I began to turn away and leave before Caleb stood up glaring at Celeste.

"Celeste! You don't talk to her like that!" he shouted to her angrily.

Everyone gasped and faced to him. Me and Celeste looked shocked and surprised. 

He was the last person I'd expect to help me or even stand to breathe my same air.

It showed how much he did care about me. How much he really did love me.

"Excuse me loser?" Celeste yelled to him.

"You heard me!" He said walking over angrily to us both. "Do you know how sick and tired I am of you attacking her and everything she stands for?! What has she ever done to you besides being honest, nice, and caring when you brought others down?! Maisy Haven isn't nothing! She isn't vapid! And she isn't perfect but you know what?!" He continued on staring at me and smiled. "She's freakin' amazing! Any guy would be lucky to see her smile and happy every day she wakes up!" He said, looking back to her. "And you're nothing but a bully!"

I couldn't believe my ears. I wanted to jump all over him right now and show my appreciation. God this boy was gonna kill me hormonally.

"Yeah right. Like I would ever feel guilty because of what you say..." Celeste said to him.

Dean glared at her and walked up behind his best friend. "Yeah well what about me too?! You see Celeste, the problem isn't us! It wasn't how we wanted to fit in with you guys! The problem was you! You can't stand it that someone might actually have a heart! Can you?!" He finished.

Liliana then got up and joined them. "Yeah and Maisy makes miracles happen! She makes those who have a dream, have them become their reality! You did nothing with that bet on us but make her a stronger person!"

Tamalea then walked over to them. "And unlike you! Maisy stops at nothing to help others! Even if the others hate her so much that they can scream! But you, you always try to put yourself first to make others care about people with money than the people who will always be there for their friends." She told her.

I teared up happily at them all. I had real friends like Hannah. Real friends that would stand up for me no matter what happened between us.

Celeste looked at them now offended and mad as the school was staring and smiling.

"Maisy...Come on M, you're not going to sit here and let these guys speak to me like that huh? Remember whose been by your side since we were little." She said to me. 

I shook my head calmly. "No...because I believe you're a great person Celeste. I've seen it. It's deep down inside of you. But don't bring me down because you don't want to bring it out." I said confidently myself. Oh yeah, I was back baby!

Celeste smirked rolling her eyes turning around and strutting off with her friends inside. When she's gone, the group walked up to me as I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you all so much! I didn't expect that after you guys despising me and all." I told them.

"Well you're our genie in a bottle Maisy. You did things we can't thank you enough for." Dean said.

"You made us see a brighter future for ourselves." Liliana then added.

"And even though you did something hugely wrong, you kept your promises no matter what." Tamalea then said.

Caleb smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me close. I smiled shyly. 

Was there anything he couldn't do to make me fall more in love with him?

"And you made me see that it doesn't matter what clique I'm in..." he started to say intertwining his hands with mines softly. "Because if the girl I love is in another, then who cares? And for that, we all thank you Maisy." He explained staring at me into my eyes carefully.

I wanted to scream out in pure joy. I wanted to jump around the room and do some dorky dance that even I would want to put up of me on social media and make fun of. But...I still had one road block.

"What about you and Emma?" I asked him.

"I sent her home the minute you stormed out. Maisy, you are my light and fire. You may drive me crazy, make me get up at early mornings, and overwhelm me with your bubbly attitude..." he trailed off as we both laughed. "But I love you more than anything in the world." He finished firmly. 

His friends nodded happily at us. I teared up smiling.

"I love you too Caleb. And once again to you and all of you I'm really sorry for using you as a bet. I know you probably didn't want to talk-" I began to explain to them.

Before I could finish my sentence though, Caleb pulled me close to his body and leaned in pushing his lips against mines as I did the same. 

There was this incredible feeling again. I never wanted to let it go.

Everyone suddenly then clapped and cheered including Hannah standing up jumping up and down excitedly. After a few minutes, me and Caleb pulled away looking at each other lovingly, giggling and chuckling.

Quickly remembering one more task I didn't complete just yet, I turned to Dean. 

"Oh my god! Dean, how'd your baseball tryout go?" I asked him curiously.

"Amazing! Get this, they put me on the team!" He said.

"That's so great! I'm so proud of you! I'm proud of each and every one of you." I told them.

They all smiled at me and they all pull into a group hug tightly playing and having fun.

Caleb then picked me up and spun me around as the kids began to crowd over us, talking and enjoying all of our company.

So this was my story of how my life changed. This was also Caleb, Liliana, Tamalea, and Dean's.

"The Social Class" is a big hit since then. 

Building confident and believing in yourself is the key now. Being popular, not a chance.

This was a transformation for "The Social Class."

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