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Tonight was the night. It was the night of our first party ever. Everything had to be perfect or we could kiss whatever Maisy think she could do with us goodbye.

I had to make an even bigger impression though because Emma was going to be there. Talk about no pressure right?

We were now approaching Maisy's driveway of her house the next evening as per her request.

Maybe she wanted to show us her flashy way of living after all. I mean why else would we be here?

Liliana was driving as me and Dean were in the back seat, Tamalea in the front all staring in awe and shock. It was nothing like I'd ever seen before.

Elegant marbled pillars surrounding the front door, a fountain in the middle of the circular driveway, a line of fancy luxurious cars all lined up in a garage, and cobbled stoned features pretty much everywhere else.

It was a over the top grand for sure.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Liliana asked.

"I know for a fact a high school student can't live here. This place is like a mansion!" Dean shouted.

"This place is a mansion Dean. How cool is this though?! We get to go to a fancy party at one place and before that, go to another to get ready for the fancy party!" Tamalea explained excitedly.

"Come on guys, we've seen mansions before." I told them. They all looked at me weirdly.

Okay, so maybe we didn't but I didn't want Maisy to come out or see us acting like this just by pulling up. Having her believe we were really losers was gonna be worse than any other populars already thinking so.

We all pulled up to the front as I hopped out the driver's seat as Tamaela, Liliana, and Dean jumped out too excitedly.

As we begin walking, a elderly man dressed elegantly walked out the front door and up to us.  We smiled to him.

"Welcome to the Haven residence. I'm Bentley, the butler." he said. Of course she has a butler. Living in this place, I wouldn't put it past her if she owned a personal cook too.

"Miss Haven has been expecting you. Follow me please. She has a lot in store for her guests." He finished telling us. We all glanced at each other hesitantly and nodded.

"Miss Haven?" Dean asked shocked. I smirked and we all entered inside.

Once we were in, it was even more grand than the entrance. It looked by far larger inside than out, not less than 5,000 sq foot. Chandeliers were dangling, elegant crystals were displayed everywhere, white marbled flooring, high vaulted ceilings covered with sky lights, and two grand staircases from left to right, that lead up to the second floor.

It was definitely nothing like any of ours. "Oh my god. This place is so incredible!" Liliana exclaimed.

"There's like a zillion rooms in this whole house." Tamalea then added. Just then, I saw the host herself standing at the top of the second floor landing and smiled happily.

"More like a zillion and one. Guests don't usually count the greenhouse room in the back." She told us. Wow. I thought this place couldn't get any bigger.

But this only made me a little more skeptic about some things. We were in the Maisy Haven's house. For reasons that I had to find out or I was going to walk right back out the door if it was just to gloat.

"So uh...we're here. What and why are we here? Let me guess, so you can show off your "totes" perfect home?" I asked her teasingly.

She giggled and shook her head. I let out a small chuckle myself at her giddiness. I could tell she was very excited that we were here. Her laugh was actually quite adorable I had to admit.

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