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I was outside on the quad trying my best not to be late to class the next day.

I had made out with Maisy Haven and I was definitely not ashamed of it. 

It was the greatest thing I had ever done. It was passionate, loving, and full of everything I could feel we were building up until that moment.

I did feel bad for Emma. She didn't need that to happen to me right before our date. The one thing I had wished for was at the worst possible timing.

I was looking around until I saw Dean, Tamalea, and Liliana walking up to me smiling teasingly.

"Hey buddy! We heard you had a date with the one and only..." Dean began

"Emma Riley!" Liliana shouted happily.

"How'd it go?!" Tamalea then asked patting my back. Well, here goes nothing.

"Terrible." I said bitterly.

"See! I knew you would hit it off..." she started to say before she caught what I had actually said. They all then stared at me in shock. "Wait terrible?"

"Dude, how can you say that? You've been wanting this since you were practically 10 years old. What happened?" Dean asked in disbelief.

I sighed and shook my head. "I ended up falling for my teacher. That's what happened!" I shouted to them. They all gasped. "Yeah! Maisy and I made out last night before Emma got there and the worst thing is, I hurt her feelings and she'll probably never like me now. But each second with her last night was like...a dream come true." I finished off explaining.

They all looked at me knowingly and nodded laughing.

"What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?" I asked mystified.

"Caleb dude, we knew you have a thing for Maisy." Dean said smirking.

"You did?" I then asked.

"Hello! The constant staring, the overflow of gifts and compliments you guys gave to each other. It was like the one you've been waiting for and only you are on another planet." Tamlea explained to me. I could tell she had Terrence in her mind again. I knew the feeling.

I always felt that. I just could never put my finger on it. Me and Maisy had a connection that I wouldn't trade for the world. "Tamaela you're right...if felt exactly like that. So what should I do now?" I asked completely more lost than I'd ever been.

"Tell her. After all, no one cares more about you or us than she does. She's taught us everything we could ever know on how to be confident and proud of ourselves for nothing in return. Caleb you need to let her know how you feel." Liliana said to me.

I smiled and nodded. So glad she found her voice. It never sounded better.

"I should! I will! I'm going to tell her. Today! All I have to do is find where's-" I began to say.

Celeste then walked from behind the nearby tree in front of us, holding her phone in her hand smiling smugly. "Maisy?" She asked us. We all started glaring at her. "Oh come on. As if you guys aren't thrilled to see me."

I rolled my eyes. I was counting on not seeing her. The whole school population didn't want to see her.

"Trust me, we're not. Have you seen Maisy? We need to talk to her about our next steps." I said assertively.

"For what? Making you guys not total freaks?" she asked giggling. "Trust. You all always will be. You think a coat of fresh new clothes, new hairstyle, and what you'd like to call confidence is making you popular. No, hanging out with Maisy is making you popular. After all, she is the best at what she does." She explained to us.

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