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We were in the lunch room again as I was figuring out how else I could make these guys exceed in the confidence lesson. Lord knew I had too much of it. It seemed like no matter what I did, it was always ending up a fail and I looked like a bad person.

But nevertheless, I was still determined to do it. I just had to put in a little more effort.

"Alright guys. Let's try a different exercise here." I said to them sighing in a bit of distressed.

A group of girls then passed Dean and Caleb smiling and waving at them flirtatiously. "Hey boys..." they said to them as they left. That was unexpected.

But hey, it was what we called progress.

I turned around as Dean and Caleb are smiling shyly waving the same way.

"Woah, you know those people? Why'd they say hi to you?" I asked.

"We were just doing your walking technique. And so far...I don't hear any complaints." Dean explained, fist bumping Caleb as he does the same smirking.

"I hear that." Caleb said. I smiled happily.

" work isn't so useless after all huh? I'm telling you guys, people will respect you."

I could see Caleb's attention quickly shifted then, turning his head now seeing a girl walking inside the room and coming toward him talking with her friends.

Trying to make him focus on my instructions, I snapped my fingers in his face. "Caleb! Earth to Caleb!"

Caleb snapped out of reality and looked over to me apologetically.

"Oh I'm sorry Maisy." he started to say. I couldn't be mad at him. Something about his gleaming soft eyes made me forgive him almost instantly. Weird I know.

"It's okay. Just try to pay attention. I was telling you-" I started to continue on.

Caleb yet again then went off staring at the girl as she began getting closer, not noticing him yet. I was getting annoyed now. Something was up.

"For the love of everything, what are you staring at?!" I asked him.

I then turned to his direction and saw he wasn't just staring at any girl but I guess...his girl. I knew her. It was Emma Riley.

"Oh. That's your crush? Emma Riley? Popular Emma Riley?" I asked him curiously.

"Yes teach. That right there is Caleb's first crush he's had since the 4th grade. Problem is..." Dean starts to tell me.

Caleb sadly sighed and nodded. "She doesn't know I'm even alive on this planet."

I smiled walking up to him shyly and gestured for him to walk over. "Go talk to her then."

I had to admit, he looked kinda adorable growing pale and fidgety about this. I could tell he definitely never had a girlfriend before.

He looked at me shocked and shook his head. "What?! Maisy, are you crazy? I can't talk to her."

"Why not?" I asked him mystified.

"He's too afraid to." Tamalea told me.

"You're too afraid!" He fired at her defensively.

"That doesn't make any sense. You can revisit a friendly locker of mine back in the hallway if you don't want to Caleb." She said to him.

Liliana and Dean giggled and chuckled. I smirked and turned Caleb's shoulders to me, ruffling up his hair. He tried to remove my hands from it nervously. I was starting to like messing with him. It was kinda funny.

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